Amaru's reach - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 10

Amaru can manipulate souls, and there's no limit to how far her reach can go, unless someone closes the gate. There's nowhere to run because Amaru will find you.

Dr. Block

Freddie turns to Dakota for help whenever Xibalba still has a hold on Margaret. However, Freddie may have taken his family into a dangerous situation.

The A Team - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 9

Seth Gecko is a man with a plan. Even when things go from bad to worse, he has a plan that will, hopefully, save his ass. All he needs to do is trust his people and keep track of how many bullets he has left.

Zolo - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 9

The fierce jaguar warrior is back for the grand finale at the request of his master, Brasa. Richie has some unfinished business with the warrior, and what better setting for a showdown than the desert?

Right Hand Man - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 9

Brasa will do anything for his queen, even if that means missing the ceremony to make sure that the Geckos don't get in the way. Brasa's still got some tricks up his sleeve that will make the Geckos' visit a bit more interesting.

Taking a break - From Dusk Till Dawn

Seth Gecko hides in out in what looks like an abandoned saloon. This town will be the team's final stand against Amaru. Everything is on the line. Can Seth stop Amaru and save Kate before it's too late?

Jailhouse Riot Season 3 Episode 8

Richie and Seth find their way into a culebra prison where the prisoners are the ones in charge. Soon after their arrival, a riot breaks out. Come on, you didn't think this would be a peaceful visit, did you?

Kisa - From Dusk Till Dawn

The last time we saw Kisa, she was mourning the loss of her girlfriend. Now, she's back, and she's ready to join the fight to save culebras from Amaru.

Cult - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 7

Sex Machine finds his way inside a creepy Xibalban cult that worships Amaru. Could this be the big break the team needs?

A lucky break - From Dusk Till Dawn

Amaru isn't one to pull any punches. When she has you in her crosshairs, she will use whatever she can to inflict the most damage. Amaru has learned that Kate's memories and feelings are very useful when facing Seth and Richie.

Seth's Team - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 6

Even though no one is really happy about it, Seth has become the team leader of this rag tag bunch. When Richie is kidnapped, it's up to Seth and company to go in and rescue him. However, they quickly learn that they are the ones that need rescuing.

Two Warriors - From Dusk Till Dawn

Burt and Freddie have a lot in common. They are both badass warriors. Oh, they've also been romantically linked with Ximena at one point or another. But hey, there's more important things to focus on, like the fact they are getting picked off one by one in an abandoned aslyum.

From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Quotes

But for us to deliver, you need to deliver like Fed-fucking-ex.


Seth: You were late on your tribute, and we're the collectors. It's been that way for, what, six months now? Jesus Christ, it's the longest I've ever been stuck on a job since I was flipping burgers at Big Kahuna in high school.
Richie: I flipped the burgers. You bussed the tables.