Richard Gecko - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 5

Richie's never one to go down without a fight. When cannibal attacks plague a suburban neighborhood, Richie rises up to the challenge, even though he's currently still reeling from his last encounter with Dr. Dakota Block.

Unlikely Team - From Dusk Till Dawn

Burt, Sex Machine, and Scott join forces to help stop a cannibal that has been attacking a neighborhood in the suburbs.

Keeping the peace - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4

Freddie has settled into his role as peacekeeper, but the job never stops throwing challenges his way. He never imagined he'd have to go up against the Sun God and the Queen of Xibalba who has taken over Kate's body. He might need to start drinking every night.

Jaguar Warriors - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 4

Amaru's latest henchman from Xibalba are not to be messed with. These Jaguar Warriors blend into their surroundings and strike when their prey least expects it. Can they help Amaru take down Scott?

Amaru and Scott - From Dusk Till Dawn

Amaru goes after Scott to send a message to Kate. While it doesn't look good for Scott, he's not one to go down without a fight. Plus, Scott has the Freddie and the Geckos for back up.

Prisoner - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 3

This Xibalban of the week isn't messing around. He's here to make sure that culebras understand their place in the hierarchy of Xibalba, and if they step out of place, he'll make sure they pay.

Freddie and Sex Machine - From Dusk Till Dawn

These two have never really seen eye to eye, and yet somehow they are constantly thrown together, which neither one are happy about. It looks like Freddie has the upper hand here.

Battle ready - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 2

Santanico decided to leave the fight behind and start a new life, but that doesn't mean she won't protect her kingdom from intruders. She's still the Queen, and you don't want to make her angry.

Innocent - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 2

Kate/Amaru puts her warrior to work, and an innocent girl is caught in the crossfire. Kate/Amaru is putting on a show, but who is it for?

Spectator - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 2

Kate/Amaru makes her way into Santanico's fight club, and she's very interested in the fight that's taking place on stage.

Fight club - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 2

Seth's never one to back down from a fight. Actually, he's usually the one who starts it.

A new way of life - From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 2

A culebra's gotta eat, and Santanico has figured out a way to feed without killing anyone.

From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Quotes

But for us to deliver, you need to deliver like Fed-fucking-ex.


Seth: You were late on your tribute, and we're the collectors. It's been that way for, what, six months now? Jesus Christ, it's the longest I've ever been stuck on a job since I was flipping burgers at Big Kahuna in high school.
Richie: I flipped the burgers. You bussed the tables.