Innocent Until Proven Guilty - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Jeanette Turner has dealt with the world coming for her as a villain. Will the trial prove her innocence once and for all?

Troubled Romance - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Will the truth of Kate's past affair with Martin Harris come to light? The grooming could be used against her.

The Trial - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

After months of rumors and accusations, Kate Wallis and Jeanette Turner have made their way to the trial.

Reliving The Past - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 10

Kate Wallis has taken to the past in her quest to find out the truth for her court case. Has she discovered the smoking gun?

Day in Court - Cruel Summer

Kate and Jeanette's day in court arrives on Cruel Summer. "Hostile Witness" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

Hidden Secret - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Martin Harris is pretending that he doesn't know what happened to Kate Wallis, but he'll do anything to keep the truth hidden.

The Monster Within - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Evil is hiding behind Martin Harris' eyes. He's up to no good by holding Kate Wallis a prisoner in his home.

Trick or Treat - Cruel Summer Season 1 Episode 9

Skylin looks to be up to some spooky festivities and Martin is getting ready for the big day in town.

Halloween Time! - Cruel Summer

It's time for Halloween, but how will Martin keep up the ruse?

A Happy Meal - Cruel Summer

Martin indulges in a meal, but who is it with this time?

Martin's Look of Terror - Cruel Summer

Martin looks on as more details come to light about what happened.

Fragmented Memories - Cruel Summer

Kate's fragmented memories are returning on Cruel Summer. "A Secret Of My Own" is the ninth episode of the show's first season.

Cruel Summer Quotes

Jeanette: Mallory, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m here. I’ve been here. You can say that I pulled away from you, but you pulled away from me too. So, I don’t understand where all this rage is coming from, but if you want to talk, you know where to find me.
[Jeanette gives Mallory a hug]
Mallory: God, you sound just like her.

Jeanette Turner, I hope you rot in hell.
