The Sex Tape - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Megan and Luke were recorded one night while they were together. Who was the monster that recorded their hookup?

Camera Suspect - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Jeff is one of the top suspects for who recorded Megan and Luke together. Is the one who did the deed?

Betrayal & Videotapes - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Parker might still be in a relationship with Brent in Summer of 1999, but she'll soon despise her ex for what he did with the VHS tapes.

All Smiles - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Megan is looking all smiles in Summer 1999. How did everything go bad after this light-hearted summer?

Untimely Victim - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Luke was revealed to be the dead body hiding in the lake. Everyone is a suspect for who could've done it.

Young Love - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

Isabella and Luke have a small crush on each other. How will their short summer romance start in Summer 1999?

Cabin Trips - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 3

The summer is filled with plenty of experiences and memories. The group is heading for a fun time at the cabin.

Megan and Isabella Bond - Cruel Summer

Megan and Isabella bond during the summer of 1999 on Cruel Summer. "Bloody Knuckles" is the third episode of the show's second season.

Summer Love - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 1

Megan is crushing on her BFF Luke. There's a spark between the two of them, but how soon will notice?

The Time Jump - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 2

How cruel will the years be for the citizens of Chatham? A murder has taken foot and everyone is a suspect.

Drinks & Smiles - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 1

It's all drinks and smiles at the start of summer and Cruel Summer. But little do they know, they're in for a shocking murder mystery.

Video Camera - Cruel Summer Season 2 Episode 1

Just look at that early Y2K video camera! A handy tool to capture anything and everyone on film. Could this play a part in the mystery?

Cruel Summer Quotes

Jeanette: Mallory, I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m here. I’ve been here. You can say that I pulled away from you, but you pulled away from me too. So, I don’t understand where all this rage is coming from, but if you want to talk, you know where to find me.
[Jeanette gives Mallory a hug]
Mallory: God, you sound just like her.

Jeanette Turner, I hope you rot in hell.
