Lindsay's Got Voight's Back - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

Knowing that they're working a case that could have ties to Voight, Lindsay is ready to have his back no matter what. Considering the doctor they're investigating for overdosing his patients with chemo also treated Voight's late wife, it makes sense that Lindsay would be showing her support.

Platt and Burgess to the Rescue - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

Burgess and Platt are on a mission to clear Roman's name after he may have shot an unarmed man. Will they be able to find the missing gun and save the day? We will have to watch to find out, but one thing we know, we would not want to get in the way of these two!

What's Going On With Roman? - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

When we left off with Roman, he had just shot a man he believed had a gun, but no gun was found. How will that cliffhanger be resolved? Here he is having a drink at Molly's. Is he drowning his sorrows while the shooting is investigated?

Dr. Charles Gets Involved - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

Dr. Charles visits PD to help them with their case against the doctor who's patients came into Chicago Med suffering from an overdose of chemo. He's pretty good at getting into people's heads. What useful information will he get out of the unsuspecting doctor?

Voight on the Warpath - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

Uh oh, Voight looks pretty angry. It probably has something to do with the doctor they're investigating after four of his patients ended up in Chicago Med. But, is this case also personal for Voight?

Voight Interrogates a Suspect - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 10

The Intelligence crew investigates a doctor who could have a link to Voight. Voight has always taken interrogations seriously, but if this doctor did something to hurt Voight or his family, well, we've all seen how that goes.

Voight Interrogates Suspect

Voight and Halstead interrogate a suspect on the "Now I'm God" episode of Chicago PD.

A Strange Link - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 9

A decapitated body is found in Lake Michigan and is linked to Voight on Chicago PD. "Never Forget I Love You" is the ninth episode of the show's third season.

The Tip - Chicago PD

The team discovers a mutilated body of an official while responding to an informant's tip about an upcoming drug trade on Chicago PD. "Forget My Name" is the eighth episode of the show's third season.

A Possible Threat - Chicago PD

A teenager poses a possible threat to other students at his school on Chicago PD. "A Dead Kid, A Notebook, and a Lot of Maybes" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

Moving Forward - Chicago PD

Halstead and Lindsay move their relationship forward on Chicago PD. "You Never Know Who's Who" is the sixth episode of the show's third season.

Body In An SUV - Chicago PD

A body found in an SUV is investigated on Chicago PD. "Climbing Into Bed" is the fifth episode of the show's third season.

Chicago PD Season 3 Quotes

Roman: What the hell is that?
Platt: My wedding planner from when I was engaged.
Roman: To what?
Platt: Tiger Beat go get some coffee. This is girl talk.

I don't know who you are, but tell Lindsay she made me a better cop, if you ever see her again.
