Burgess and Ruzek Argue - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

Burgess looks a little better off than Roman, but we're still wondering what happened to the two of them. They need to stop getting themselves into these messes. Ruzek does not look happy about the fact that she may have been hurt. Will these two ever make up?

Bloody Roman - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

Have Roman and Burgess been in another scrape? It wasn't that long ago they were in a car accident. What happened this time to cause this blood covered face? At least we know they're okay.

Olinsky Comforts a Victim - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

Whoever this lady is, she's looking pretty distraught. Lucky for her, Olinsky is there to comfort her. We're not sure what happened to cause that face, but our best guess is she found or witnessed something disturbing...

Construction Site - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

What is going on at this construction site? Did they chase a suspect here? Perhaps their investigation led them to someone who owns it or works there. We will find out soon enough!

Breaking and Entering - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

The boys of Intelligence REALLY need to get into this building. Is this where they are going to find the dead body, or are they following up on a lead that might lead them to the killer?

The Gang's All Here - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

The whole Intelligence crew is together working this case. Usually we see them split up out in the field. They're carrying some pretty heavy artillery. They most likely are pursuing whoever murdered are burnt friend.

Burnt to a Crisp - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

Okay, so now we know why Lindsay was covering her nose. That definitely looks like it would stink. It looks like Halstead has come across a body that has been badly burned. By the look of all that smoke, it probably happened pretty recently.

Something Stinks - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 15

It looks like Intelligence is being joined by paramedic Sylvie Brett from Chicago Fire this week. She's pointing something out to them in the corner. Whatever it is, from Lindsay's face we are pretty sure it's not pleasant. Also worth pointing out, Burgess is in plain clothes. Is she off duty?

Benson and Voight - Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14

Chicago PD crosses over with Law and Order: SVU when Gregory William Yates, the man who killed Nadia, escapes from prison in New York. We just love any opportunity to see Voight and Benson on screen together!

Lindsay Hits the Casino - Chicago PD

Lindsay goes undercover at a casino on Chicago PD. "Hit Me" is the 13th episode of the show's third season.

Taking Things In Hand - Chicago PD

Lindsay takes things in hand on Chicago PD. "Looking Out for Stateville" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

Knife To the Throat - Chicago PD

Lindsay ends up with a knife to her throat on Chicago PD. "Knocked the Family Right Out" is the 11th episode of the show's third season

Chicago PD Season 3 Quotes

Roman: What the hell is that?
Platt: My wedding planner from when I was engaged.
Roman: To what?
Platt: Tiger Beat go get some coffee. This is girl talk.

I don't know who you are, but tell Lindsay she made me a better cop, if you ever see her again.
