Burgton Exchange - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Burgess and Upton have a discussion or possible disagreement as they investigate a raid that happens at Ruzek's poker game.

Placing Him in the Cage - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Burgess has a suspect in mind for the raid at Ruzek's poker game and takes him down to the cage.Guest starring Carter Shimp as Zaco.

Addressing the Bullpen - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Atwater runs down the details that he learned about their leads in a case on Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2.

At the Desk - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Atwater is at his desk in the bullpen trying to find some leads when someone raids a poker game that Ruzek attends.

Responding to a Raid - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Atwater is always showing up when Ruzek calls which is what happens when someone robs Ruzek at a poker game.

Calling His Squad - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

When Ruzek and his buddies get raided at a poker night in the bar, he reaches out to Voight and the unit.

Playing Poker - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Ruzek spends some of his spare time playing poker with his friends as he waits to get back on the job.

Ruzek Celebrates - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Ruzek celebrates as he plays a poker game with some of his friends at a bar during his off time on Retread.

Poker Game Raid - Chicago PD

Despite being on leave, Ruzek gets mixed up in a case after a late-night poker game is raided.

Upton Call - Chicago PD

Hailey makes a phone call as the team investigates a case that Ruzek catches while on leave during Retread.

Ending Questioning -Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1

Voight must end some questioning that Hailey is doing when her methods are cause for concern on Unpacking.

Searching for a Perp -tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1

Atwater searches for a suspect who gives chase during an investigation on Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 1.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
