Talking to Zaco - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Voight and Burgess interview Zaco at the crime scene when they figure out he's invovled with Ruzek.

Investigating a Raid - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Atwater and the rest of the Intelligence Unit investigate a raid that takes place at Ruzek's poker game.

Voight & Burgess - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Voight and Burgess interview a suspect when they investigate a poker raid that may turn deadly.

Leaning at the Cage - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Burgess puts a suspect in the cage and hopes to get some valuable entail out of him about the poker raid.

Clear-Eyed and Focused - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Kim Burgess is clear eyed and focused when she focuses on a raid that takes place at the poker game.

Work on the Mind - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Hailey continues to pour all of her energy into work and solving cases as she heals from her personal life.

Happy Hugs - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Ruzek is happy and hugs one of the people he knows from his poker game when the Intelligence Unit investigates a raid.

Desk Sergeant On a Call - tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Trudy makes or receives an important phone call that has to do with the Intelligence Unit's case.

Mark Gargano - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Samuel Horowitz guest stars as Mark Gargano, a poker player who gets involved in an investigation into raids.

Wes - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Matthew Alan guest stars as Wes Arben who must be in attendance of a poker game that Ruzek takes part in.

Voight Gets Serious - Tall - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Voight gets serious when the team picks up a case that Ruzek catches amid his poker game at a bar.

Assessing a Body - Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 2

Voight assesses a body at the crime scene when Ruzek calls him in after a raid takes place at his poker game.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
