A Childhood Dream Come True - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Despite the fact that someone died, being able to play in a Mars simulation must straight out of one of Castle's childhood dreams.

Suppose To Be Cool - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

We know being an astronaut is cool, but the outfits are anything but. Not even Castle can pull off this look.

The Beckett Glare - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Even while donning a space suit, Beckett is capable of delivering that glare. What did Castle do to deserve it this time?

We Get Espo Too - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Oh good. We get to see Esposito in the spacesuit too. But where's Ryan? And wouldn't you just pay to see Capt. Gates in there too?

The Dead Astonaut - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

A dead astronaut. Castle and Beckett have investigated hundreds of cases but this is a new one, even for them.

Maybe Not This - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Kate Beckett can make anything look sexy, even a police uniform but not even she can look good in a space suit.

If There Was Even a Question - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

If there was even a question about whether or not Kate gets away from 3XK, Beckett is definitely alive and now donning a space suit.

The Mars Simulation - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

An astronaut is murdered in a Mars simulator. This one has to end up in one of Castle's books. It's simply too good not to use.

Spacesuits? - Castle

Castle and Beckett don spacesuits and enter a Mars simulation to figure out how an astronaut ended up dead on Castle. "The Wrong Stuff" is the 16th episode of the show's seventh season.

The Last Time - Castle Season 7 Episode 14

We really hope that this is the last time Castle and Beckett will have to face off against 3XK.

Taking Down 3XK - Castle Season 7 Episode 14

Can Castle and Beckett find a way to take down 3XK even though he's stolen all of the evidence they previously had against him?

Getting Castle Back Season 7 Episode 14

Will Capt. Gates help Castle get back to the 12th permanently if he helps close this case?

Castle Season 7 Quotes

Misgivings? Katherine, that was the farthest thing from his mind. He couldn't wait to be married to you.


Gary: You're going to break my finger.
Beckett: And after that there's nine more.