At Least Kate Has Lanie - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

At least Kate has Lanie there. Something tells us that Beckett might need her best gal pal to get through this.

An Even Bigger Question - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

But we have an even bigger question and it has nothing to do with murder. If Castle and Beckett dive back in to his mysterious disappearance, will Esposito have Castle's back this time?

One Heck of a Safe - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

Whoa! We don't know who was murdered here but we do know that's one heck of a gun safe. The killer left behind the weapons and the piles of cash.

Another Disappearance - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

After Castle's two month disappearance last summer, we certainly hope he hasn't gone missing once again.

Who is Missing? - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

We see Esposito. We see Ryan. Beckett's arrived at the scene of the crime but the one person we don't see is Castle!

Beckett At a Crime Scene - Castle Season 7 Episode 20

It looks as though Beckett's made it to the latest crime scene but we have just one question.

Girl Talk - Castle

It's always good to see Kate and Lanie sharing some girl talk on Castle. We don't see it often enough. "Sleeper" is the 20th episode of the show's seventh season.

Help From His Friends - Castle Season 7 Episode 18

Hopefully Ryan gets some help from his friends both inside and outside of the 12th precinct if things go back on this job.

Moonlighting - Castle Season 7 Episode 18

It looks like Detective Ryan's moonlighting at a security job in order to make ends meet. Maybe that means he no longer has to work at the strip club.

Hand In the Air - Castle Season 7 Episode 18

We'd say Ryan made the right decision putting his gun down and his hands in the air. Jenny and Sarah Grace would like to see him come home tonight.

Facing Five - Castle Season 7 Episode 18

Is that Detective Ryan taking on five armed police officers? This doesn't look good for him.

Blood On His Shirt - Castle Season 7 Episode 18

Ryan's got blood on his shirt and guns are drawn. Yeah, Detective Kevin Ryan is definitely in trouble during this episode of Castle.

Castle Season 7 Quotes

Beckett: He is resourceful but he's not that resourceful.
Ryan: He got you to marry him, didn't he?

Wow, you nailed playing yourself. That's impressive.
