Enjoying Their Honeymoon (Vertical) - Castle Season 7 Episode 7

Kate and Rick enjoy their honeymoon on Castle. "Once Upon a Time in the West" is the seventh episode of the show's seventh season.

The Green-Screened Wedding (16:9) - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Castle and Beckett got married on Castle. "The Time of Our Lives" is the sixth episode of the show's seventh season.

Accepting an Award (Vertical) - Castle Season 7 Episode 23

Rick Castle accepts an award on Castle. "Hollander's Woods" is the 23rd episode of the show's seventh season.

Enjoying Breakfast (Vertical) - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Castle and Beckett enjoy breakfast at the loft on Castle. "The Time of Our Lives" is the sixth episode of the show's seventh season.

Finally a Wedding - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Kate Beckett and Richard Castle finally get married on Castle. "The Time of Our Lives" is the sixth episode of the show's seventh season.

The Wet Wedding Gown - Castle Season 7 Episode 1

Kate has been dressed in three different wedding outfits on Castle. First it was the silver beaded gown with the puffy tulle skirt that somehow even made her hips look big, The last was the pant suit that she wore when she actually married Rick, but our favorite was the dress for the wedding that wasn't. The dress, designed by Alberta Ferretti, was supposed to be Kate's mother, Johanna Beckett's dress, so it held special meaning to fans. Why "The Powers That Be" on Castle would choose to drench the $12,000 gown and not have our heroine get married in it is a mystery we may never solve.

Castle at the Podium Season 7 Episode 23

Castle won a big award to conclude Season 7. He had nothing but nice words to say about Beckett afterward.

What to Expect - Castle Season 7 Episode 23

We don't know exactly what to expect from Castle Season 7 Episode 23, "Hollander's Woods" but we can't wait to watch on Monday, May 11th on ABC.

Beckett is Beaming - Castle Season 7 Episode 23

Especially when his beautiful wife is practically beaming at him from across the room. We don't think we've ever seen Kate Beckett look happier.

Castle Looks Worried

But if everything is going so well and everyone is having a wonderful time, then why does Rick look worried?

Alexis and Rick - Castle

Alexis and Rick look so content. It's wonderful to see one of our favorite father / daughter duos doing so well after then hit a bit of a rough patch. We guess solving murders is something that helps keep this family together.

Kate Beckett in Red - Castle

Kate Beckett looks stunning in her red gown. Can't wait to see the full length version during the show. And we never get tired of seeing her wear that beautiful wedding ring.

Castle Season 7 Quotes

Beckett: He is resourceful but he's not that resourceful.
Ryan: He got you to marry him, didn't he?

Wow, you nailed playing yourself. That's impressive.
