Surprise Entrance - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Wally, Julian, and Cisco look like they're just arriving at the lab. They probably didn't expect to find a certain potential villain waiting for them at work.

Wally Worries - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

It can't be easy for Wally to know there's not much he can do to save Iris. Even at his fastest, he wasn't fast enough. But we don't see Kid Flash backing down any time soon.

Killer Frost Drops By - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Has Caitlin come to her senses? Or does Killer Frost have another reason for popping into STAR labs? We're guessing Wally and Julian have as many questions as we do.

Saving the Day - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

We're worried about Cisco. He's having a hard time with the Killer Frost situation. Now, whatever he sees on the screen is upsetting him. Will he ever catch a break?

Tense Teamwork - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

What's making Julian and the others so tense? Is it what they're seeing on the monitors? Or is it the fact that Killer Frost is casually lurking in the background?

Team Flash Represent! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Team Flash gathers at STAR labs to hear what Tracy has to say. With Iris' life on the line, and future Barry behind Savitar, time is of the essence.

Exchanging Glances - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Barry and Wally have come a long way as teammates since Wally first donned the costume. Now all they have to do is look at each other to know what the other is thinking.

Joe and His Superhero Sons - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Waiting around is the hardest part for anyone. Barry and Wally are both suited up. Are they on a mission with Joe working on a new case? Or have they found a way to save Iris?

Wally regains his confidence - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Kara and Barry weren't the only ones Music Meister wanted to "help". After his time in the Speed Force, Wally needed an extra push to get Kid Flash back in the game. He found it when it came to stopping the baddie.

Kid Flash and Vibe Suit Up! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Looks like another all hands on deck moment. It must be Tuesday. Kid Flash and Vibe are ready for battle.

The Waiting Game - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Wally, Iris, and Barry are on standby as they wait to see how Caitlin fared. Do their expressions seem optimistic?

Julian's afraid - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Things have been tense between Julian and Caitlin since she revealed her secret. Will seeing her injured make Julian realize how much he cares?

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost