Gather the Team - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

After she's injured, Team Flash rushes to Caitlin's side. Judging by their faces, things don't look good for her.

What's going on? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Team Flash is surprised by the unexpected arrival of their super friend.

Savitar returns - The Flash Season 3 Episode 15

Kid Flash didn't have much time to celebrate his speed victory. Savitar returned to mess with Wally's head.

Happy couple - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

Wally and Jesse are adorable as they celebrate the holiday together. We wonder if she's told Harry she plans to stay on Earth-1 yet?

Uncertain Heroes - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

We can't help noting our team looks defeated. Could this be after the battle? Maybe the first round doesn't go well for Team Flash.

Line up! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

Jesse Quick, The Flash, and Kid Flash prepare for battle. As much as anyone can prepare when there are intelligent gorillas hellbent on destroying a city.

Speedster Squad - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

Three speedsters are better than one when it comes to facing an army of gorillas from another Earth. Let's hope they have a plan.

On Your Mark... - The Flash Season 3 Episode 12

The Flash and Kid Flash prepare to train. The stakes are higher than ever now that Barry wants Wally to save Iris.

Race Rules - The Flash Season 3 Episode 12

The Flash and Kid Flash chat before getting down to business. We assume they're agreeing on how far and fast they'll run.

Sibling Chat - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Iris isn't going to let a little thing like her impending death stop her from spending time with her baby brother.

No, I'm faster! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Are we in for another round of Barry vs. Wally? Let's hope not. We'd much rather see teamwork than competition.

Stop! You don't even go here - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

Maybe Kid Flash is pointing Gypsy toward the public areas of the lab. Or stopping her from hurting Cisco.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost