Scarred Tyrion

This looks painful. Tyrion's handsome face will never look the same.

Varys and Tyrion

Varys and Tyrion might be able to help each other. They are seen here on episode eight of season two.

Tyrion Photo

Tyrion Lannister is always up to something. And Game of Thrones fans always enjoy watching him plot and scheme.

The New Hand of The King

Best of luck, Tyrion Lannister. This beloved character kicks off season two as the Hand of the King.

Tyrion Poster

Everyone's favorite Game of Thrones character is featured on this poster. Say hello to Tyrion Lannister.

New Hand of the King

It's everyone's favorite character on Game of Thrones. Hello there, Tyrion Lannister!

Tywin Lannister Pic

Charles Dance plays a key role on Game of Thrones. This is a shot of Tywin Lannister from the season finale.

Tyrion Lannister Photo

Peter Dinklage is pictured in this Game of Thrones photo. The actor portrays Tyrion.

Tyrion Lannister Picture

A picture of Tyrion Lannister as portrayed by Peter Dinklage in the HBO series.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


Did you know about Ramsey?
