Tyrion Image

What does the future hold for Tyrion on Game of Thrones? This is a still from the episode "The Mountain and the Viper."

Bronn and Tyrion

Tyrion and Bronn share a moment in this Game of Thrones scene. It may be the last time they ever see each other.

Tyrion Goes Off

Tyrion has had it! He finally lashes out while on trial in this Game of Thrones scene.

Guilty or Innocent?

Tyrion is on trial for killing Joffrey. Make the right choice, judges!

Jailed Tyrion

Poor Tyrion. He's awaiting trial on Game of Thrones for a crime he did not commit.

Tyrion as a Prisoner

Tyrion is in some trouble. He's being held for the murder of Joffrey.

Tyrion, Apprhended

Is Tyrion guilty of poisoning his nephew? Very few Game of Thrones fans believe so.

Wine on Tyrion

We hope Joffrey enjoyed this little prank. It would be his last ever.

Tyrion and Shae

Oh, Tyrion. Our favorite Game of Thrones character confers here with Shae.

Comforting Sansa

Tyrion comforts Tyrion in this image from Game of Thrones Season 4. It's safe to say she's been through a lot.

Tyrion Pic

Tyrion considers his future at King's Landing in this Game of Thrones scene. It will involve a wedding to Sansa.

Tyrion in King's Landing

Tyrion is no longer Hand of the King. But he still plays a key role in King's Landing.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


Did you know about Ramsey?
