Useless Villain

Sylar has become a useless character. He's seen here in a shot from the season four finale.

Darn Brick Wall

Peter and Sylar trapped behind a brick wall? How exciting!!!

Frenemies on Heroes

They've been enemies for years. But Peter and Sylar must work together on the episode "The Wall."

Peter and Sylar

After Peter tried to help rescue Sylar, he got stuck behind a brick wall with the guy. Literally!

Trio of Heroes

This is all confusing. Nathan's mind is in Sylar's body, while Sylar's mind is sometimes in Parkman's body.

Hands in the Air!

Hands up, you two! Actually, this is the same person. Sylar is just a part of Parkman on season four of Heroes.

Parkman and Sylar

Parkman and Sylar - who are really the same person - run in to trouble during the Heroes episode "Shadowboxing."

At the Carnival

Sylar integrates himself into Samuel's carnival during the episode "Tabula Rasa." He seems to like it there.

Samuel and Sylar

This is a dangerous combination. Samuel helps Sylar discover his identity.

Sylar, Reborn

Sylar looks dazed and confused in this scene. Make sense. It just spent time in the ground and in Nathan's body.

A New Sylar

Is that Sylar? Yes it is, following his rising up from Nathan's dirt-filled grave.

Get Out of My Head!

Parkman tries to interview a suspect during this scene. But it's difficult when Sylar is in his head.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys