Picture of Sylar

This photo of Sylar is taken from a late-season three episode. The character, of course, is played by Zachary Quinto.

Season Three Finale

Sylar is very much on the prowl as the third season of Heroes winds down. Here he is in the finale.

Dangerous Games

Sylar plays his usual, dangerous mind games with Nathan. This is a scene from "I Am Sylar."

Sylar and Micah

Micah is back in "I Am Sylar." Sorry, guess we should call him "Rebel" now.

Wannabe Nathan

Aptly, Sylar is the focus of "I Am Sylar." In this photo, he visits Nathan's office.

He is Sylar

This is a photo from the episode "I Am Sylar." In it, the character in question suffers through an identity crisis.

Sylar and Danko

Sylar and Danko make for one dangerous team. We hope never to cross their path.

Confronting Dad

Hi, dad! Wanna go outside and play a game of catch?

Meeting Dad

Sylar is seen here inside his father's work area. It's a strange, strange place.

Down Goes Sylar!

You want to meet your father, right, Sylar? Careful what you wish for.

Sylar Escapes!

Come on, Nathan. Did you really think you could capture Sylar?!?

Building 26 Scene

Sylar nabs a bad guy in this scene from "Building 26." The evil character is on a mission on volume four of the show.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys