Trying to Stop Gold - Once Upon a Time

When Gold uses the Olympian Crystal to tether all magic, the heros attempt to stop him on Once Upon a Time.

Mary Margaret's Friend - Once Upon a Time

A friend of Mary Margaret's helps the group search for Hook on Once Upon a Time. "Labor of Love" is the 13th episode of the show's fifth season.

Fighting the Dark Ones - Once Upon a Time

All of Storybrooke comes out to battle the Dark Ones on Once Upon a Time. "Swan Song" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

A New Evil - Once Upon a Time

The heroes embark on a journey as a new evil is unleashed on Once Upon a Time. "Broken Heart" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth journey.

Zelena To the Rescue - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 7

Wouldn't it be interesting if Zelena was the person who actually helped them break in and retrieve Excalibur?

They Aren't all Heroes - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 7

Not everyone looking to break into the castle is a hero. They also have Zelena in tow.

Working Together - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 4

Will David and Mary Margaret be working together to combat the latest threat to those they love? At least they've both got their swords at the ready.

Fighting a New Threat - Once Upon a Time

When Mary Margaret realizes that Arthur may be the real threat, she has to take matters into her own hands on Once Upon a Time. "The Broken Kingdom" is the fourth episode of the show's fifth season.

The Shocking Twist - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 22

The Author's quill will supply a shocking twist that will leave all the residence of Storybrooke reeling by the end of the season 4 finale.

Rewriting Their Story - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 22

The last time the Author rewrote Snow White and Prince Charming's story they ended up banishing Maleficent's child to another realm. What does he have in store for them this time?

Having Their Hands Full - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 21

Lily's in Storybrooke. Zelena's alive and pregnant and we hear Cora's about to make an appearance. The folks of Storybrooke are definitely going to have their hands full.

Looking Concerned - Once Upon a Time

David and Mary Margaret look gravely concerned over Emma's plan but they have little pull with their daughter since she's found out they lied.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
