A kiss before a curse - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 17

Charming and Snow faced a difficult decision. They could reunite with Emma, and doom everyone else to a cursed life. Or, they could keep waiting a bit longer.

Belle's Choice? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Rumple's looking toward Belle for the answers. It's probably best to have her try to convince Emma to help rather than Rumple doing it himself. There's less bad blood between the ladies.

Power Meeting - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Emma and Snow bring their concerns to Rumple and Belle. That has to be an awkward moment considering their son wants to kill Snow's daughter.

Mother Daughter Tag Team - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 16

Snow and Emma are NOT happy about the latest developments. We can't blame them for that. Thanks to Gideon, Emma thought her true love had left her behind.

The Queen of Hope - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 14

Snow may never have gotten to wear the crown, but she's always been the biggest champion of hope.

He's willing to lend a helping hand - Once Upon a Time

After swooping in to save Regina and Snow from a flying monkey, Robin attempted to do the chivalrous thing. He remained unfazed when Regina rejected the gesture.

Ruby and Snow - Once Upon a Time Season 1 Episode 12

Whether they were fighting evil in the Enchanted Forest or having drinks in Storybrooke, Ruby and Snow White shared a special bond. We're so happy Ruby found her true love, but we'd still like to see these ladies reunite. There's so much for them to catch up on.

Mary Margaret and Emma - Once Upon a Time Season 1 Episode 7

Obviously we'll never be sorry that the curse broke and Emma reunited with her parents. But it's hard not to miss the relationship Emma shared with her mother when she was just her friend and roommate, Mary Margaret. They were a lot more open with one another back then when it came to their feelings.

Giving Up Their Hearts - Once Upon a Time

Snow and Charming must give up their hearts to save Storybrooke on Once Upon a Time. "Heartless" is the seventh episode of the show's sixth season.

The Olympian Crystal Threat - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 22

We guess now that Gold has the Olympia Crystal, he's going to keep these heroes on their toes.

Where Are They Now? - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 22

Where are Hook, Zelena, David, and Snow right now? If it's Storybrook, it's an area we don't think we've ever before seen.

Finding a Way Home - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 22

The heroes work to make a portal to try and send Merida and the other visitors back to their real homes.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
