Making Waves

Smash listens to Waverly. This is new territory for the star running back.

Low Tide

Waverly is at a low point. She's stopped taking her meds.

Let's Do This!

Smash led a player walk out, but returned to the team in time to help win a playoff game.

Brian Williams

A nice close up of Brian "Smash" Williams. He faces a lot of pressure.

The Big Talk

Coach talks to Smash about getting back to the basis: just have fun, son!

An Angry Smash

What?!? Smash is far from pleased, folks.

Smash and Waverly

Williams has an uncomfortable meal with Waverly and her family. This isn't really Smash's strength.

Coach Lambasts the Smash

Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler) is none too pleased with the way Smash Williams (Gaius Charles) used steroids. The only question is whether he gets kicked off the team forever or merely suspended.

Waverly Wavers

Waverly digs Brian Williams... but she isn't sure about the larger than life Smash.

Old Friends

Smash catches up with a boyhood pal. And fellow great player.

Smash, Mama Smash

Smash gets a talking to from his mama. She sets a great examples for her kids.

Smashing In

Smash goes in for the winning-two point conversion. Dillon wins!

Friday Night Lights Quotes

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts...ehh we'll deal with that later.


Elden: So my question to you is, do you really want to make a difference, or are you just feeling sad because you saw a boy get shot?
Eric: Both.

Friday Night Lights Music

  Song Artist
Muzzle of Bees Wilco iTunes
Song Evergreen The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Song Bang a Gong (Get it On) T. Rex