West Claire Hollywood Sign - Heroes Season 2 Episode 4

Claire and West sit on the Hollywood Sign as a date on heroes.

Not Really Injured

Claire looks to be injured in this photo. But, don't worry, we think she'll be fine.

Nathan's Funeral

It's too bad HRG, Claire and Peter had to gather for such a sad occasion. They're seen here at Nathan's funeral.

A Cutter

Claire loves showing off her ability. She does so here during Thanksgiving.

Time to Be Hazed

Claire and Gretchen get hazed during this scene from Heroes. That's the life of a freshman at college.

Gretchen and Claire

Gretchen and Claire are being hazed in this photo. It's courtesy of the episode "Strange Attractors."


Does Gretchen have a hidden agenda? Claire thinks she might during the episode "Hysterical Blindness."

The New Claire

Claire Bennet has a new hairstyle for season four of Heroes. Do you like it?

College for Claire

She just wants to be normal. Claire is off to college when season four of Heroes premieres.

Claire the Cheerleader

Claire Bennet is back to her cheerleading ways. She's wearing an outfit very similar to what she donned on season one in this summer 2009 set photo.

A Cheerleader Again

Will Heroes try to save the cheerleader and the world during season four? Hayden Panettiere is seen here in her former outfit, filming a scene for the fall of 2009.

Bloodied Claire

Ouch! This shot of Claire Bennet from season four of Heroes proves that she doesn't actually live a normal life at college. At least we know she'll quickly heal herself.

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys