Claire and Parkman

In this scene from Heroes, Claire comes to Parkman's rescue. The shot is taken from the episode "A Clear and Present Danger."

Claire, Reloaded!

Look out, villains! Claire has a gun, and she isn't afraid to use it.

Contemplative Claire

Claire helped avoid being charged with the catalyst. Guess she figured she couldn't handle the responsibility.

Protective Father

Sorry, HRG. Even with your best efforts, you can't protect Claire from this with special, dangerous abilities.

Claire and Hiro

Easy, Hiro. You appear to be frightening Claire in this scene from the episode titled "The Eclipse Part 2."

Claire Bares the Pain

Claire Bennet has been through a lot throughout the third volume of Heroes. It's all coming to a head, though, as seen here in a shot from "The Eclipse Part 1."


Looks like Claire survives the plane crash. This is a shot of her, Ando and Daphne from "Trust and Blood."

Claire Photo

Claire and Peter reunite in the episode titled "It's Coming." It's nice to see these two on screen again, following many episodes apart from one another.

Angry Parkman

It's rare to see Parkman angry. But Peter and Claire must stop him from getting too fired up in this scene.

Claire vs. Elle

Claire and Elle are going at it in this photo. No, not like that, fellas. Get a clean mind!

Doyle in Action

Eric Doyle is one freaky dude. He tried to force Claire into shooting her mom during this scene.

Claire, on the Hunt

Claire has a new mission on Heroes: find bad guys, kill bad guys. She gives it a shot during the episode titled "Angels and Monsters."

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys