Leaving Town - The Flash

Cisco plans to leave town on The Flash. "Good-Bye Vibrations" is the 12th episode of the show's seventh season.

Cisco hears some news - The Flash Season 6 Episode 10

Cisco is trying to get info on how to manage this new world.

Cisco is deep in thought - The Flash Season 6 Episode 10

Times have changed post Crisis and Cisco is trying to navigate this new world.

Kamilla shares info with Cisco - The Flash Season 6 Episode 10

Kamilla is part of the team and shares information with Cisco.

Vibe is Back - The Flash Season 6 Episode 9

The book of destiny gives Cisco back his Vibe powers.

Cisco listens - The Flash Season 6 Episode 8

Cisco and Iris debate on how to handle Negative Flash.

Cisco Main - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco is trying to understand what happened and if he can help.

Cisco thinks things over - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

There might be a chance for Cisco to get his powers back, but what would that mean?

Interrupted - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco and Camilla have an unexpected visitor, How rude, they were having a moment.

Tell me a story - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco and Camilla have some pillow talk and get closer.

Cisco in the Dark - The Flash Season 6 Episode 5

Cisco's powers might be trying to return. Will he become Vibe again?

Cisco can't accept it - The Flash Season 6 Episode 4

Cisco and the team find it hard to accept Barry's fate

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost