Excuse me? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 23

Is there anyone cooler than Vibe? No, there is not. Even under pressure, he does not have time for villain nonsense. We believe Cisco's going to get through to Caitlin. And help stop Savitar. Because he can do it all.

Intense Flash - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Barry's running out of time to save Iris. Now that he's teamed up with Captain Cold, he may be able to get the final piece he needs for Tracy to create the trap.

Vibe in Action - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Last time Cisco faced off against Caitlin, he held back. Will he do the same knowing what could happen? Or will he try to get through to his best friend again?

Team Guidance - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Tracy seems to be fitting in well with Team Flash. She's doing her part to stop Savitar, and she's keeping watch as Cisco studies the monitors.

Strategizing - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

H.R. and Cisco have been doing everything they can to help find a solution to the Savitar problem. Maybe having Captain Cold around will be what the team needs.

Surprise Entrance - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Wally, Julian, and Cisco look like they're just arriving at the lab. They probably didn't expect to find a certain potential villain waiting for them at work.

Cisco Side Eye - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

What's better: Cisco's flawless side eye or his hair game? We're kidding. We don't expect anyone to choose. Cisco's too great at everything for that. But can he stop Savitar?

Surrendering? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Is Killer Frost ready to turn herself in? That sounds like something Caitlin Snow would do. But this could be a trap. Maybe Savitar's sent her there for information.

Saving the Day - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

We're worried about Cisco. He's having a hard time with the Killer Frost situation. Now, whatever he sees on the screen is upsetting him. Will he ever catch a break?

Tense Teamwork - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

What's making Julian and the others so tense? Is it what they're seeing on the monitors? Or is it the fact that Killer Frost is casually lurking in the background?

Team Flash Represent! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Team Flash gathers at STAR labs to hear what Tracy has to say. With Iris' life on the line, and future Barry behind Savitar, time is of the essence.

Better Safe than Sorry - The Flash Season 3 Episode 20

We know H.R. loves his props. But what's with the fire extinguisher? Maybe he's learned his lesson being at STAR Labs. It's probably not a bad idea to have one within easy reach at all times.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost