The Flash Season 2 Teaser: First Flash, New Big Bad on the Way!

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This teaser was shown to excited fans on Saturday night at a Warner Bros./DC super panel at San Diego Comic Con. After making it clear that the stakes of The Flash Season 1 were pretty steep, we're given a great hint at what's ahead.

Everybody was excited about the helmet that appeared in the finale of The Flash. It meant Jay Garrick was on the way, right? Right!!

Teddy Sears has been cast as Jay Garrick for The Flash Season 2. He'll arrive in Central City to tell Barry and friends that they're in immediate danger that he need help to stop. 

But the news didn't stop there for excited fans at the DC super panel at Comic Con on Saturday night. Two more characters will be joining The Flash Season 2.

After Eddie Thawne's heroic sacrifice in The Flash Season 1 Season 23, Joe West found himself without a partner on the Central City PD. He'll be given one when Shantel VanSantel joins as Patti Spivot. She's a recent addition to the comics who is obsessed with metahumans and a potential Felicity-like character on whom Barry will have a crush. 

Additionally, the big bad of the season has been revealed as Professor Zoom! He's faster than both the Flash and the Reverse Flash and a tough bugger to catch.

And if that's not enough for you, Wally West is on the way, too. There's little doubt that The Flash Season 2 will be just as eventful as The Flash Season 1!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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