The Flash Season 2 Sizzle Reel: Danger for the Whole Team

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As we watched The Flash Season 2 Episode 1, some of us noticed that for the first time a metahuman who was nowhere near the reactor explosion was wreaking havoc in Central City. That's because they're not from this world.

The Flash Season 2 Sizzle Reel makes it pretty clear we can expect a lot more of that, and these out-of-this-world metahumans won't just be committing petty crimes and making themselves a general nuisance for the city, but they'll be out for blood – the blood of The Flash and those he loves.

According to Jay Garrick, Zoom wants to be the only speedster in any world and will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Luckily, Garrick seems to have outwitted him in his world, so he should be quite helpful to getting Barry up to speed in doing it on ours.

The reel introduces us to Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) and gives us a look at Dr. Stein in trouble and what appears to be his new other half. Who knew Ronnie's taste in winter apparel wasn't a fashion choice, but required for his role as FIRESTORM? 

Even with all the peril coming to Central City, the humor never diminishes. Cisco admonishes Barry for losing the new emblem on the front of his suit (will that be a running gag?), and when Oliver pays Barry a visit, he wonders when The Flash got his own cuppa joe. Can we all get one please? I feel a tie-in with Starbucks on the horizon (or a new chain of coffee shops...)!

Watch now and if you need to get caught up, you can always watch The Flash online for all the latest.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost