The Flash Season 2 Episode 14 Promo: Escape from Earth-2

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Well this is a surprise!

On The Flash Season 2 Episode 14, Harry and Cisco will enlist E-2 Barry and Killer Frost to help them get home to their earth. Zoom's lair. 

Because Zoom is evil and Cisco is calling it now. It's a lair.

Have we mentioned how much we love Cisco?

Yes, yes we have.

And all of the doppelgangers in general?

How exciting!

Now, we're wondering if E-2 Iris is going to have any issues with her Barry after learning the one she was with for a day wasn't the one she was used to.

Will she notice a difference? Will she clamor for more? 

Does anybody else think it would be oh-so-very-awesome to see some inter-earth mingling with the characters we know and those who only look familiar?

Oh, we can dream, and dream we will.

Make sure you tune into what is sure to be a thrilling conclusion to the Earth-2 saga on The Flash.

Maybe it won't be a finite conclusion. Can they leave that door open for future visits? 

Yes, please.

And will this mixed up ragtag group of misfit heroes and villains be able to save our Barry and Well's daughter, Jesse, from Zoom?!


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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost