The Flash Promo: New Female Speedster, Zoom Unmasked!

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Up until we went to Earth-2, things have been a little bit lackluster on The Flash.

That's all about to change.

This new preview promises we have a lot more excitement ahead.

Barry's life will be forever changed after seeing what could be with his life-long friend Iris West thanks to his Earth-2 visit.

For some reason or another, forces will think he's gone rogue, and he'll even end up caged in his own prison.

A female speedster finally hits the mix! I love her mask. Is it Jesse Quick? Trajectory? Who is that masked girl?

Don't be shocked, but there is a scene of Jay Garrick whizzing by like nobody's business. Does he get his speed back?!

Things appear to come to a head with Zoom, and one tantalizing clue appears to belong to Zoom's hands. They have long fingernails.

Either Zoom is one freaky dude...or he's a woman. What?

And John Diggle and Lyla pay a visit to Barry, Diggle brining with him his sage advice from Star City. Some things never change.

Finally, for those of you who loved King Shark. Well, be happy, y'all. Be happy.

If you thought you could slack, you couldn't. Make sure you watch The Flash online to catch up before all of this goes down!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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