The Vampire Diaries Exclusive Video: It's Baby Time for Caroline!

It's baby time for Caroline on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 13 and Stefan's not leaving her side. This delivery is DEFINITELY going to be magical!

Chris Wood Looks Back on The Vampire Diaries, Ahead to Containment

Who out there did not ADORE Chris Wood on The Vampire Diaries? We spoke to the actor about his next show at Comic-Con.

Paul Wesley Previews "Vacant" Mystic Falls on The Vampire Diaries Season 7

Where will Stefan and Damon be on The Vampire Diaries Season 7? What about Stefan and Caroline? Watch this interview with Paul Wesley

Michael Malarkey on The Vampire Diaries Season 7: Which Side Will Enzo Choose?

Enzo will need to choose a side on The Vampire Diaries Season 7. Which will it be? Watch our exclusive Comic-Con interview with Michael Malarkey.

Kat Graham Teases "Tougher" Bonnie: No More BS!

Bonnie will be done with bull$hit on The Vampire Diaries Season 7. So Kat Graham tells us here at Comic-Con.

Ian Somerhalder Previews "Sexy, Volatile, Fun" Season 7

Ian Somerhalder says The Vampire Diaries Season 7 will be dark, sexy, fun and based on "human emotion." Watch our exclusive interview with the actor here.

The Vampire Diaries Producer Previews Season 7: Heroes vs. Heretics!

The Heretics are coming! Producer Caroline Dries previews this impending battle on The Vampire Diaries Season 7.

Candice Accola Teases "Ultimate Demise" of Mystic Falls

The Vampire Diaries will feature a new, chaotic Mystic Falls on Season 7. Candice Accola also says we'll see Caroline struggling and, in the future, being very happy.

Kayla Ewell Red Carpet Interview: Talking TVD!

We miss Kayla Ewell on The Vampire Diaries. She reflects here on life as Vicki.

Marguerite MacIntyre Celebrate The Vampire Diaries

Marguerite MacIntyre is best known for playing Sheriff Forbes on The Vampire Diaries. She talks about the role in this interview.

Caroline Dries Reflects on The Vampire Diaries

Caroline Dries is the woman in charge of The Vampire Diaries. We caught up with her on the red carpet of it 100th episode celebration.

Malese Jow Remembers Anna on The Vampire Diaries

We all fell in love with Malese Jow as Anna. She remembers her Vampire Diaries character in this interview.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
