Tom Cavanagh Teases The Flash Season 2: Kisses! Car Chases!

Tom Cavanagh defends Dr. Wells in this exclusive interview about The Flash at Comic-Con. What does he love most about the role? Find out now!

John Wesley Shipp Gushes Over Grant Gustin, The Flash

We've been huge fans of John Wesley Shipp for years - and we spoke to the veteran actor about his past and his future with The Flash at Comic-Con.

Grant Gustin Teases The Flash Season 2, Barry's Journey

It's The Flash himself! What can Grant Gustin tell us about the season premiere of The Flash this fall? It's not easy being the hero, after all.

Danielle Panabaker Talks Crossovers, Marriage on The Flash

Danielle Panabaker is now a married woman. On The Flash at least. We asked the actress what that will mean for the character on Season 2.

Carlos Valdes Lets Us Gush Over Him at Comic-Con

Did Carlos Valdes see his character's popularity coming on The Flash? We couldn't help but gush over the star in this interview. Watch for yourself.

Candice Patton Talks Team Reunion on The Flash Season 2

What role will Iris be playing on The Flash Season 2? Candice Patton gave us the scoop at Comic-Con.

Andrew Kreisberg Talks "Plan" of The Flash Season 2

How will Andrew Kreisberg and his fellow producers top The Flash Season 1? We asked him that question at Comic-Con.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost