Heroes Season Finale Clip

In this clip from Heroes, Claire tries to warn the carnival about Samuel's plans. Will they listen?!?

Brave New World Clip

This is a clip from the Heroes season premiere. Doesn't it look fantastic?!?

The Wall Preview

Peter and Sylar must team up on the episode "The Wall." Watch a promo for it now.

The Art of Deception Promo

The Art of Deception is the 1/25/10 episode of Heroes. Watch the official NBC promo for it now.

The Heroes Puzzle

Heroes is back! After a holiday hiatus, the show returns with a two-hour episode. It's previewed here.

The Fifth Stage Promo

Claire at the carnival? Peter beating on Sylar? We can't wait for this episode of Heroes!

Petrelli Thanksgiving

In this clip from Thanksgiving, Peter confronts Angela with the news that he's found Nathan's dead body. She claims it isn't his body, of course, and that Parkman is crazy.

Thanksgiving Clip

HRG hosts Thanksgiving. He even entertains his ex-wife and her new lover for the holiday.

Brother's Keeper Promo

This is the official promo for "Brother's Keeper." During the episode, Peter tries to save Parkman.

Promo for Shadowboxing

On the Heroes episode titled "Shadowboxing," Parkman vows to get rid of Sylar once and for all. Watch a preview for the installment now.

Tabula Rasa Promo

On the Heroes episode "Tabula Rasa," Peter sets out to save Hiro. Watch the official NBC promo for this installment now.

The Claire Kiss

Did Heroes create this scene, of Claire kissing Gretchen, just to attract ratings? We think so. Do you?

Heroes Quotes

Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys