Grey's Anatomy: Farewell Tribute to Arizona Robbins

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Arizona first appeared on the series on Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Episode 11, and she officially became a series regular for Grey's Anatomy Season 6. She will depart the series on Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 24 after having been on the series for a decade. 

Arizona was first introduced on the show as Seattle Grace's Chief of Pediatrics. She also happened to be the series' first lesbian character. It was a milestone when the openly gay woman came onto the scene and stole Callie's heart. 

The breadth of Arizona serving as representation didn't stop there. When she experienced a severe accident that cost her one of her legs, she became the first disabled series regular. Her journey tapped into an experience that so few saw on television. 

She's sunny, warm, fierce, and known for being one of the best friends. Her bubbly demeanor even endeared the likes of Alex Karev, a notorious grouch, whom she took under her wing and groomed to be a world-class Peds surgeon. 

Check out the tribute to Arizona Robbins below!

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

COOPER: "It's wrong?"
NAOMI: "You need to meet a grown up. You need to date someone your own age."
VIOLET: "Someone without a porny internet name and perhaps no criminal past."
NAOMI: "A nice girl."
VIOLET: "A reliable girl."
NAOMI: "Someone who you can have a relationship with."
VIOLET: "You’re a respected doctor."
NAOMI: "Go out in the real world. Meet a woman your own age and go out."
VIOLET: "Be a man."

ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."