Gotham Season 3: Catch Up Now

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Gotham's spring premiere is right around the corner and it's sure to be another crazy ride.

The show has released a Gotham Season 3 rewind to highlight all the greatest moments of the season so far.

Jim was hunting monsters at the beginning of the season and then fell hard for newcomer Valerie Vale, but it didn't last long thanks to Lee's return and Jervis Tetch.

Fish Mooney Reigns Again? - Gotham Season 3 Episode 1

Too bad because Valerie was a nice addition to the show.

Fish made an appearance but she quickly disappeared after Penguin, in an act of compassion, let her and Professor Strange go. Nothing like Penguin being reminded that Fish made him who he is today.

I don't think we've seen the last of Fish Mooney, do you?

Captain Barnes - Gotham Season 3

Barnes went crazy and is making Arkham his home for now, but once a cure is found will be able to resume his duties or will he have to retire? Or maybe he'll never be saved.

Lee returned to Gotham and got married, but her honeymoon didn't turn out so well.

Jim took a wild trip when Jervis Tetch blew some Red Queen powder at him.

Tabitha lost her hand because of a look-alike Kristen.

And Jerome made a return thanks to some insane followers who decided to resurrect the creep.

Selina and Bruce got together and Bruce took one step closer to becoming Batman.

Yeah, Right - Gotham Season 3 Episode 13

So many things happened have happened so far!

Check out the video below to catch up on Gotham before the spring premiere airs on April 24.

This should make it easier, but don't be afraid to watch Gotham online for the full experience!

How crazier will Gotham get? Hit the comments and let us know!

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Gotham Quotes

Hit me and then you kiss me.


Lucius: Who, umm, designed the uniforms?
Ms. Peabody: Do you have much training in mental health, Mr. Fox?
Lucius: None at all.