DC's Legends of Tomorrow Promo: "Fail-Safe"

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While this hasn't been they most exciting use of the 1980s so far, things are about to heat up in the decade for our Legends.

Not only will Snart devise a plan to rescue his comrades, but Sara's in the thick of it, too.

Jax will be getting all fired up, which is his thing, ya know?

But there's a lady looking red hot, as well. Has Valentina found the key to success? Is she a female version of Firestorm now?

I wonder if she's picked a mate, a female yin to her fiery yang. Maybe Snart and Palmer can team up again for a date when the flames dies out. Oh, come on...

Sara is sweating, but it's not because she's fanning herself due to the heat rising off of Jax.

Rip gives her a secret side gig, and apparently it involves shooting Professor Stein.

Now, I admit the guy has been getting on my nerves, but Stein must have really rubbed Rip the wrong way if the guy has a trained assassin (and a friend, to boot!) take him out in a blaze of glory!

(Really, the fire, flame and heat references are friggin' awesome here. Heat Wave must be in his element. ELEMENT! FIRE!! I can't.)

It is kind of surprising Mick didn't want to cozy up to Valentina when he learned of her plans, though. Talk about a match made in Heaven.

OMG. I said match.

What else can possibly go down on "Fail-Safe" and will the powers that be catch onto this awesome trail of thought?

Enjoy the trailer and be here for a full review of the eppy next week!! 

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