Vampire Diaries Photos from "No Exit"

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The Vampire Diaries features a road trip on the episode "No Exit." Click through photos from the episode now.

1. Down Goes Damon!

Damon is down. But he isn't out! This is a scene from The Vampire Diaries episode "No Exit."

2. Damon in Chains

Damon is captured and far from happy in this Vampire Diaries image. Will he be able to break free?

3. Evil Enzo

Oh, Enzo. This Vampire Diaries character has not been a positive influence on Damon at all.

4. Ice Cold Enzo

Uh-oh. Enzo has blood on his shirt in this TVD scene. That can't b a good sign.

5. Impersonating Elena

Katherine has that evil smirk on her face here. Be careful, Stefan.

6. Angry Nadia

Don't make Nadia mad, people. You won't like her when she's mad.

7. Enzo on the War Path

Look out, folks. Enzo is pictured in this Vampire Diaries photo... and he is NOT happy.

8. Matt and Nadia

Matt looks unusually happy in this Vampire Diaries scene. What spell does Nadia have over him?

9. Angry Caroline

Caroline takes it to Nadia in this fun Vampire Diaries scene. It is from the episode "No Exit."

10. Tyler vs. Caroline

Tyler is at odds with Caroline in this Vampire Diaries scene. Why? One word: Klaus.

11. Caroline vs. Nadia

It's about to be on! Caroline stares down Nadia in this Vampire Diaries scene.

12. Very Concerned Stefan

Stefan looks concerned in this Vampire Diaries scene. It's from the episode "No Exit."

13. An Eye on Stefan

Katherine is enjoying life as Elena. She has her eye on Stefan.

14. Damon in No Exit

Damon has gone down a dark path. This is a screen cap from the Vampire Diaries promo for "No Exit."

15. Katherine as Elena

Katherine is still inside Elena's body. This is an image from The Vampire Diaries episode "No Exit."

16. Enzo Photograph

Oh, Enzo. This vampire has caused some problems for Damon on The Vampire Diaries.

17. Enzo on the Phone

Enzo has been calling the shots on The Vampire Diaries. He has a lot of pent up anger.

18. Making a Suggestion

Hey, Stefan. There's a hotel over there. Should we maybe get a room?

19. Katherine Kisses Stefan!

That's Stefan! That's Katherine... acting as Elena! Ar they gonna kiss?!?

20. Trying to Fool Stefan

Katherine has a plan in mind for Stefan. It involves her acting as Elena, of course.

21. Up Close with Caroline

Poor Caroline. She is now single and seemingly regretting her dalliance with Klaus in the woods.

22. Very Dark Damon

Damon is back to his old self. His old scary self, as is evident in this Vampire Diaries scene.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
