11 TV Characters Who Are Wasting Away Before Our Eyes

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Have you ever watched your favorite show and wondered why a character didn't play a bigger part? So have we.

This slideshow features some characters we think deserve juicier stories to show off their chops.


1. Thea Queen -- Arrow

Thea's brother is a superhero. Her father is a super villian. Her boyfriend is a budding superhero and she just unknowingly hired the Black Canary as her bartender. Isn't it time she steps out of the shadows and shows her potential?

2. Cary Agos -- The Good Wife

When Cary joined Alicia to form Florrick/Agos, it seemed as though he was finally ready for his close up. Not so fast! He's still playing second fiddle to the Governor's wife when he's clearly earned the right to man up and anchor an arc that doesn't support other characters.

3. Emmett Bledsoe -- Switched at Birth

Once Daphne's best friend and Bay's lover, now that those ties are broken he's been relagated to other supporting bits as Travis' best friend and Melody's son. It seems unbelievable that he's run out of story while it's thrust upon new characters.

4. Donna Meagle -- Parks and Recreation

There's no doubt that the cast of Parks and Rec is large, but Donna has proven her ability to bring laughs with stories like Twittergate. Why not focus the spotlight on her more often now that some regulars have skipped town?

5. Bonnie Bennett -- The Vampire Diaries

Whether she's a best friend, a witch, a ghost or the living portal through which all supernatural beings must pass after death to get to the other side, somehow Bonnie's story never rises above her friends and enemies need to use her. She's proven her value beyond that time and again. Give her an independent arc!

6. Cast -- The Blacklist

Meera Malik, Donald Ressler and Harold Cooper are constantly pushed aside so Red and Liz can shine. There isn't even a photo of the three of them together. The more we know about the other characters the more interesting The Blacklist will be. Maybe they can figure out what Tom's up to since Liz is too blinded by love.

7. Dr. Alana Bloom -- Hannibal

Bloom is one of the only people qualified to see beyond the crap that Hannibal drizzles over everything he touches. Let her loose. Put her to work studying both men more closely and let's see what happens.

8. Jake Rosati -- Awkward

Ever since Jake coupled up with Tamara we've watched him wither away into an extension of her. As fun as Tamara is she can be demanding, and it's time Jake assert himself in the relationship and gain a piece of himself to call his own.

9. Alison DiLaurentis -- Pretty Little Liars

The entire series is built around her fake death/disappearance and we still know barely anything about her. Whether through flashbacks or watching her on the run, it's time to get to know the mysterious Ali D.

10. Joan Harris -- Mad Men

She prostituted herself to save the firm, her baby daddy is one of the founding partners and she's a silent one but she's still a minor player/sex object. With one season remaining it's time her secrets are uncovered.

11. Father Kieran -- The Originals

There's plenty going on already in New Orleans, don't get us wrong. But Kieran offers a unique window into the human world and it would be nice to spend more time with those who must live with the (sexy!) supernaturals on a daily basis.

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Arrow, The Good Wife, Switched at Birth, Parks and Recreation, The Vampire Diaries, The Blacklist, Hannibal, Awkward, Pretty Little Liars, Mad Men, The Originals
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