This Is Us Season 3 Midseason Report: Most Romantic Moment, Hottest Couple & More!

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The second half of This Is Us Season 3  is almost upon us and while This Is Us Fanatics await for the Pearsons to return, let's look back at some of the best, funniest and most tearjerking moments of the first half of the season. 

This Is Us has managed to have one of its strongest seasons to date and has taken the show to uncharted territories. The Vietnam war has played a major role on the first half of the season but that hasn't taken away from the theme of love and family that This Is Us is known for. 

The Pearson clan continues to take us on an emotional ride and has set up so many intriguing plotlines, including the mysterious "her" that has had This Is Us Fanatics talking since Season 3 first premiered. 

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All things considered, This Is Us managed to continue to tell compelling and emotional stories that made us laugh and cry all in one sitting. 

Join us below as we revisit the first half of This Is Us Season 3, and make sure to hit the comments with your thoughts on this season so far and what you hope to see happen in the second half of the season. 

This Is Us returns Tuesday, January 15 at 9/8c on NBC. 

If you need to catch up, you can watch This Is Us online right here on TV Fanatic. 

Also, feel free to catch up on our This Is Us Reviews

1. Best Character - Kevin Pearson

Kevin Pearson has had one of hell of a journey, and through all those ups and downs, he's managed to become the most compelling and loving character on the show. Gone is the self-absorbed actor who only thinks of himself. He has been replaced by a kind, warm and gentle man who puts his loved ones needs ahead of his own and lifts people up even when he is down. Kevin's acting career is at an all-time high, but instead of focusing on that, he's been focusing on discovering more about his father and his time in Vietnam. Kevin has not only learned about more about his dad, but he's also learned more about himself and the kind of man he wants to be. He may not get the same attention as the rest of the Pearson clan, but he has managed to become the heart of the show.

2. Worst Character - Randall Pearson

This would have been a blasphemous statement to say during This Is Us Season 1 and This Is Us Season 2, but the Randall we once knew is slowly fading away. Sometimes we still catch glimpses of him in certain moments, for example when he flew to LA to apologize to Kate or how accepting he was of Tess when she came out. However, Randall's involvement in the Twelfth District city council race has turned him into a much more selfish person who has become so consumed in fulfilling his own need to fit in with a community that he has completely disregarded the way his family feels, specifically his wife Beth. Randall's need to fix everything was a cute flaw at first, but it has fully taken over who he is now, and it's become a real problem.

3. Most Improved Character - Deja

When Deja first entered Randall and Beth's life on Season 2, she was a troubled girl who was so consumed with her own life and troubles that she never took the time to realize how much her attitude was affecting those around her. Perhaps it was due to the way she was introduced and how all-encompassing her story arc became, but it was hard to like her. However, she has gone from scared little girl to a wise young lady. She has learned from all the trouble she was once in and now uses her wisdom to help the loved ones in her life. She has become a great older sister to Tess and Annie and has opened up to Beth and Randall completely. It's been incredible to watch this young lady's transformation as she becomes more comfortable being a part of the Pearson family.

4. Most Exciting Revelation - Tess Likes Girls

Tess has never been a major focus on This Is Us before. Her story arcs on the first two seasons were few and far between. So it was quite a shock when she revealed to her Aunt Kate that she thinks she likes girls. Perhaps it was because we just saw her selling girl guide cookies a few weeks earlier, but Tess still seemed like a little girl. It wasn't until this moment that we all realized that Tess was, in fact, a pre-teen and like many pre-teens, she is struggling with her sexuality. Considering there wasn't any indication before Tess' talk with Kate that she was struggling with these feelings, it was quite shocking when she came out. Her conversation with her parents was absolutely beautiful, and this exciting reveal will hopefully lead to us learning more about Tess and who she really is.

5. Best Sibling - Jack Pearson

When someone in your family is struggling, it's almost instinct for you to want to help. However, if your sibling is like Nikky, who keeps pushing you away, it would be understandable if you eventually gave up. But most people aren't like Jack Pearson aka Superman. Since the day his little brother was born, Jack took it upon himself to protect his brother at all costs. Even when Nikky was forced to enlist during the Vietnam war, Jack jumped through hoops to make sure he was in Vietnam as well despite not having to enlist himself. He even begged other Sergeants to let Nikky join his squad in an attempt to help him get through his drug and mental health problem. Nikky continued to push Jack away, assuring him he can't be saved, but Jack continues never to give up. Talk about a great big brother.

6. Worst Sibling - Kate Pearson

Kate was once a great sister who supported Kevin during the hard times in his career. However, this season she became so consumed with the idea of having a baby, she didn't care who she hurt while getting there. Unfortunately, she hurt both her brothers, when she claimed she was the only sibling who could carry on Jack's legacy. Kevin was hurt by Kate's assumptions but was quick to let it go. Randall, however, was distraught, especially because he has struggled his entire life with fitting in and Kate dismissing adoption as an option made Randall feel as though he didn't belong in the Pearson family. While Kate and Randall made up, Kate lives far away from both her brothers and has been focused on her and Toby for most of the season, and thus hasn't been able to return to being the great sister she was once.

7. Biggest WTF? Moment - Nicky Is Alive

Well, this certainly came out of nowhere. It seemed like a foregone conclusion while watching Nikky's journey in Vietnam that he was going to die, especially because anytime Nikky's name was brought up post-Vietnam, it was followed up with the words, "he died while serving." After the boat explosion in Vietnam, it seemed like Nikky's journey had concluded. But then Kevin found out during his trip in Vietnam that Nikky's name is not on the veterans database. Cut to an older version of Nikky alive in the present timeline. Wait, what? How did that even happen? In a show that most often than not is set in realism, this reveal came off very soap opera-esque. The second half of Season 3 will have to provide some excellent answers as to how this happened for this reveal not to seem so outlandish.

8. Hottest Couple - Jack & Rebecca

Jack and Rebecca are quite possibly the best couple on television history but Season 3 brought out a different side of their relationship that hadn't been seen before. The two are known for being romantic and sweet, but this time around they turned up the heat, and This Is Us Fanatics saw a much sexier and sizzling side of Jack and Rebecca in multiple timelines. Sure the two shared multiple sappy, romantic moments that made us fall in love with them all over again from their first date to that grocery store scene. Yet, they almost managed to add some much-needed lust to their relationship and the attractive pair became the hottest thing going on This Is Us. From road trip sexcapades to Jack's boxing fantasy, it has been said that television sets have sizzled while these two were on the TV.

9. Couple Who Needs Work - Randall & Beth

It's a shame how quickly things can change in a relationship. At the start of Season 3, Randall and Beth were stronger than ever, joking about swearing on Oprah. Yet, things took a sad turn when Beth was let go from her job and the effect it had on her was much more profound than she or Randall realized. It didn't help that while Beth was going through her own stuff, Randall decided to run for city council in the Twelfth District. He became so encompassed in his campaign and never really took the time to talk to Beth about what it is she needs and Beth being the strong woman she is, wasn't willing to not be the rock in the relationship. Things really fell through the cracks when Randall refused to drop out of the race after Beth asked him to. These two need some serious therapy.

10. Most Refreshing New Couple - Kevin & Zoe

Kevin's previous relationships on This Is Us were always missing something, mainly because Kevin wasn't mature enough to fully commit to them. However, Zoe has helped Kevin fully embrace this new side of himself. She's turned him into this sweet, puppy dog who happens to be built like a truck. It was a slow burn for these two as Zoe was always hesitant to admit her feelings for Kevin. It was clear Kevin was head over heels for this girl, but it wasn't clear whether Zoe felt the same way or only saw him as a piece of meat she could sleep with. Yet, the two shared a very intimate moment during their trip to Vietnam when she shared with him details about her dark past. This hot new couple has provided the show with a breath of fresh air, and their romance will likely continue to blossom as Season 3 progresses.

11. Best Episode - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 7, "Sometimes"

There were other episodes that were more dynamic and visually stunning, but no episode was able to match the storytelling from "Sometimes." Jack and Rebecca's road trip to LA was perhaps the most romantic story told on TV in 2018. It was such a pivotal moment in their relationship as it was at this time as they went from people who were dating to soulmates. Kevin and Zoe's relationship also grew exponentially. From Kevin telling Zoe, he's falling for her because she smells like peaches and Zoe sharing with Kevin that she was sexually abused by her father. There was so much growth and so much love on "Sometimes" that it was hard not to fall in love with This Is Us all over again.

12. Worst Episode - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 2, "A Philadelphia Story"

There were no abysmal episodes in the first half of Season 3, despite This Is Us Season 3 Episode 4, "Vietnam," being quite controversial amongst This Is Us Fanatics. However, it was "A Philadelphia Story" that stood out as the worst episode of the series as it highlighted the selfishness of some of the Pearson clan rather than make us fall in love with them even more. Despite the episode being about Kevin's movie premiere, Kevin was brushed to the side in favor of his sibling's melodrama. The worst of Kate was seen as she lashed out at anyone and everyone who was concerned about her having a baby and how it could affect her health. Randall was too busy trying to fix a community that didn't necessarily want to be fixed. The Teen Pearsons had a small B-storyline that was rushed through. "A Philadelphia Story" was definitely not This Is Us's best work.

13. Most Romantic Moment - Toby Encourages Kate To Enroll In College

Kate and Toby got put through the wringer in the first half of Season 3 dealing with a very difficult IVF treatment and Toby's depression. Luckily for the first time in their relationship, Kate was the rock for Toby and helped him get through a tough time in his life. It took a while, but Toby overcame the darkness and returned to being the goofy, fun-loving person Kate first fell in love with. This return to form was symbolized when Toby brought Kate to a community college in LA and encouraged her to enroll and finish her degree so she can pursue being a music teacher. Toby gets her to agree to do it after he tells her that he knows it will make her smile and when she smiles the world is a much better place. Toby really knows how to make us swoon, doesn't he?

14. Sexiest Scene - Jack & Rebecca's Road Trip Sexcapades

The Pearsons are an exceptionally attractive family, but momma and poppa Pearson won the award for the sexiest scene during their road trip on "Sometimes." The trip started out as sweet and sincere as Jack and Rebecca fans would imagine. Yet, the two quickly dialed up the heat to 100 when they checked into their first motel. Jack being the gentleman he is, planned to sleep in a separate bed from Rebecca but when she caught a glimpse of him changing in the bathroom, she couldn't help but get aroused. The two end up sleeping together, and they continue to do this for the multiple days throughout their road trip. It was the first time This Is Us Fanatics got to see an epic love scene between the two, and it was well worth the wait.

15. Most Heart Wrenching Moment - Jack Cries While Rebecca Sings For Him

Up until this point, Jack Pearson hadn't cried. He kept everything that happened in his family and in Vietnam bottled up inside. As his and Rebecca's relationship continued to grow throughout their road trip, it was clear that their relationship was much more intimate. After visiting the family of a soldier who died under his command, Jack picked Rebecca up and asked her to sing for him. When she finally does it, Jack begins to cry, letting out all the feelings he's been holding inside. It's nearly impossible to not feel for Jack as tears leave his eyes. He's been dealing with so much pain and sadness up until this point and with Rebecca, that he finally feels like he can let it all out. This Is Us is known to be a sob fest but no scene from the first half of season 3 left us as emotionally wrecked as this one.

16. Character Who Needs More Screen Time - Teen Kevin Pearson

Logan Shroyer has proved on This Is Us Season 2 that he has the acting chops to knock out of the park any story they give him. Unfortunately, Season 3 hasn't seen a lot of Teen Kevin Pearson. Teen Randall and Teen Kate have had a few moments to shine, but Teen Kevin got relegated to the background for a majority of the first half of Season 3. The only thing he's gotten a chance to do is to get drunk while Teen Randall and Teen Kate were the main focus. It would be nice if the show unpacked more of Kevin's past and we learned more about what was Kevin really feeling during that difficult time in his life.

17. Best Storyline - Jack & Rebeca's Romantic Beginnings

Every epic love story starts at the beginning. Between grand romantic gestures and speeches, Jack and Rebecca were the perfect couple (maybe a little too perfect). However, it didn't begin that way. In fact, the amount of awkwardness that occurred during their first date would've made any man or woman run for the hills. Despite a very poor first date, Rebecca couldn't shake Jack out of her head. One road trip to LA later, and thus began one of the greatest love stories ever told. There was never a better time for Jack and Rebecca's romantic beginnings to be told. It brought their relationship back to reality after a little too much drama on Season 2. It was the perfect way to make our favorite This Is Us ship more relatable and more loveable.

18. Storyline We Can Do Without - Randall Running For City Council

So far Season 3 has been jam-packed with great storylines, but Randall's attempt to be the city councilor for the Twelfth District has been far from great. There have been many flaws throughout the story, and Randall's talents could be used better elsewhere. First off, the fact that Randall was running for city council in a district he doesn't live in, was already a little hard to buy. Yet, the worst thing about this storyline was how much it changed Randall. He chose to be there for a bunch of strangers (most of whom didn't even want him there anyway) instead of being there for his wife after she got fired from her job. All of Randall's decisions throughout this storyline have been very uncharacteristic of him, and the result doesn't look to be very promising either.

19. The Best Kevin Quote - "These Muscles Aren't Just For Show"

Kevin's had a ton of excellent quotes throughout the first half of Season 3. Between calling himself the "King of Cashmere" and telling Zoe he's falling for her because "she smells like peaches," Kevin has become the King of This Is Us Quotes. However, his best one so far this season had to be when he was helping Randall carry boxes for his campaign. After Randall thanked him for his help, Kevin responded in kind by saying, "Hey man, these muscles aren't just for show. Actually, that's not true at all; they're mostly just for show." Kevin's self-deprecating humor is always a treat as he admits that even the most jacked guys don't always have a real use for all their muscles. Thanks for keeping it real, Kevin.

20. Overall Grade - A-

This Is Us Season 3 has been on a roll so far thanks to some incredible storytelling and excellent visualizations. After a very dark Season 2, the show returned to its roots and combined emotionally riveting stories with humor and light-heartedness. It's been a stellar season for Kevin, Jack, and Rebecca as new layers have been added to their characters, making them more compelling than ever. Vietnam has also added another layer to the show that sometimes can strain too far from the rest of the plot, but for the most part, has been an intriguing addition to the show. Its only downfall has been when it draws too far away from realism and incorporates soap opera type layers such as the "Nicky's alive" plot twist. Despite a few hiccups, Season 3 has delivered exceptional and intriguing plot lines that have left This Is Us Fanatics excited for what's to come.

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This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
