This Is Us Season 2 Report Card: Biggest Twist, Saddest Goodbye & More!

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We're a week away from the new year and 15 days from the return of This Is Us — how are we going to make it until January 9th?!

The This Is Us Season 2 midseason finale left us a few cliffhangers: Kevin hit rock bottom and was being arrested for a DUI with Randall's daughter Tess in the backseat, Kate suffered a miscarriage but was ready to give pregnancy another go, and Randall and Beth said goodbye to Deja and hello to the possibility of fostering another child. 

To hold us over until the series returns, we're taking a look back and breaking down some best and worst moments of the first ten episodes of This Is Us Season 2! What worked, what didn't, what we'd love to see more of and what they need to get rid of in 2018! 

If you're missing the Big Three while they're away on holiday break you can watch This Is Us online. 

1. Biggest Twist - Jack Has a Brother

One of the biggest surprises of the series was the revelation that Jack had a brother, one that served with him in Vietnam. During an episode aptly titled "Brothers," Jack took younger Randall and Kevin camping to patch up their relationship. We didn't know why it mattered so much to him until we learned that he had a younger brother who later passed away. Why didn't he ever talk about him? How will Nicky fit into the big picture?

2. Biggest Letdown: Kate's Miscarriage

While Kate's miscarriage was important because it highlighted something serious and heartbreaking that many women go through it was a letdown because we all expected it. Kate hasn't had an easy go at this thing called life. Happiness isn't something that comes easily to her so when she became pregnant, you literally found yourself hoping that they wouldn't pull the rug out from her under once again. And when they did, it wasn't much of a shock. It would almost be more surprising if something actually went her way for once. Still, the upside is that Kate didn't let the tragedy define her and told Toby they would try again soon.

3. Biggest Mystery: Continues To Be Jack's Death

The mystery at the core of This Is Us is how Jack Pearson died. The season premiere episode shed a little bit of light on it revealing that there was a fire at the Pearson household. Did he die in the fire? That's uncertain. There's also the fact that Kate feels personally responsible for what happened to him. We also know that it occurred shortly after Kevin's football injury that cost him his professional career. Hopefully, the second half of season two will give us more insight on the mystery that keeps on giving.

4. Best Relationship - Kate and Jack

While we love Jack and Rebecca's love story, the award for best relationship goes to dad and daughter duo, Jack and Kate! Kate has always been a daddy's girl and in an era where father's don't always get the best rep on television, Jack's relationship with "Katie girl" is very much appreciated. Especially because it's so realistic. Kids always think their fathers are Superman but Jack shares his vulnerabilities. He doesn't make excuses for his faults, vices, and weaknesses. Instead, he relies on his children to overcome his battles. And in return, Kate offers a shoulder to cry on or some teenage advice. We need more TV families like this one!

5. Best Fight: Kate and Rebecca

On the flipside, Kate and Rebecca's relationship is very strained. Unlike with Jack, Kate resents her mother for being talented, skinny and beautiful. But one fight, in particular, was downright brutal, revealing that Kate believes she could never live up to her mother's expectations! When Rebecca surprises (tags along uninvited) to Kate's first singing gig, Kate lashes out and says, "You still make me feel like a stupid, fat little kid." It's an incredibly difficult scene because Rebecca has always tried to be the best mother for her children. Props to both actresses for being incredible in the moment and channeling that raw emotion that we're all familiar with.

6. Best but Most Heartbreaking Meltdown: Kevin

Kevin has been on a downward spiral all season long and it finally caught up to him when he went back to his hometown to be honored for his achievements at an alumni ceremony at his high school. It started on the football field, the same field that ended his football career. He re-lived that moment and all the other chances and opportunities that followed, which he also blew. He hit rock bottom on Charlotte's front porch when she wouldn't let him in to retrieve his father's necklace. Seeing him fall to the ground and cry out for help was heartbreaking.

7. Best Surprise Cameo: William

William was the most beloved character in season one. After his passing, I didn't think we'd see many episodes starring him so it was a welcome surprise that he showed up in flashbacks whenever a family member needed some "inspiration." There was the flashback to when he tried to sneak out of Randall's house during his first night but Tess stopped him, there were the visions Beth had while dealing with the decision to foster, and there were all the comparisons to how similar he and Deja were. Even though he's gone, we must keep William's memory alive.

8. Funniest Moment: Rebecca and Miguel Reconnect

Rebecca and Miguel reconnected via Facebook years after Jack's death, which is hilarious! We were all a bit flustered when we realized that following Jack's death, Rebecca fell in love with his best friend Miguel. How could she? But the fact that it happened years after and thanks to the "people you may know" option on the social media site lessens the pain. It's actually kind of sweet.

9. Saddest Breakup: Sophie and Kevin

This one stung because Sophie, despite every bone in her body telling her otherwise, gave love (and Kevin) another chance. And what did he do? He disappointed her ONCE AGAIN! I can't blame Kevin completely because he's clearly going through a lot but if he needed to figure himself out why bring her back just to hurt her again? Sophie doesn't deserve any of it and she shouldn't have to listen to the man she loves tell her that thoughts of their future make him "miserable."

10. Best Love Story: Randall and Beth

Although Rebecca and Jack are the OG love story, the title of "best love story" goes to Randall and Beth because they are literally married couple goals. Despite a few hiccups and disagreements when deciding on whether or not to foster, these two came back stronger than ever. And that gave us this epic quote: "I wake up every morning next to a headscarf and coconut oil. I'm married to a black queen. Not that it's any of your business." Randall for the win!

11. Relationship That Took a Turn For the Better: Rebecca and Kate

Rebecca and Kate's rocky relationship has taken center stage for both seasons up until Kate's miscarriage. No one could make Kate feel better, not even Toby and that's because sometimes, a girl just needs her momma. Rebecca came to the rescue offering a shoulder to cry on and absolutely no criticism or backhanded compliments. Unfortunately, they had to go through a devastating loss to finally salvage their relationship. Hopefully, going into the second half of the season, these two will continue working out the kinks in their relationship!

12. Most Improved Character: Toby

During season one, I found Toby to be a bit too clingy and possessive of Kate. Who can forget that time he got upset that she told Kevin about a singing gig before she told him? This season, however, he's really evolved into the type of man that Jack would have been proud of and would want for his "Katie girl". The scene when he tries to stop the delivery of the baby bath as to not upset her further is proof. Toby would do anything for this woman and loves her unconditionally. Even Rebecca acknowledges that!

13. Saddest Goodbye: Deja

Deja's character might not have been the friendliest when she first moved into the Pearson household but can you blame her? She was in and out of several foster homes where they treated her poorly and her mother was always in jail. She wasn't exactly likable but she grew on the audience. Slowly but surely, she came around to her new family and even called Randall her "foster dad" in front of the class. Both Beth and Randall fought for Deja and just when she became part of the family, she had to say goodbye. It was painful for both sides because as it stands, it's unclear if we'll see her again.

14. Overall Grade: A

This Is Us can do no wrong. The first half of season two allowed us to get to know the Big Three on a deeper level, especially with all of their character-centric episodes towards the end. They have a long way to go until they find happiness but it's a journey we're all excited to go on with them. That's what family does, right? They don't abandon you during the bad times. See you in 2018 Pearson fam!

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This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
