The Vampire Diaries Quotes from "The Devil Inside"

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There were some great jabs and one-liners on the The Vampire Diaries episode "The Devil Inside."

Relive the best ones now!

1. Cold, manipulative, good hair. You really are my daughter.

A break from partying

Cold, manipulative, good hair. You really are my daughter.

Katherine [to Nadia]
Cold, manipulative, good hair. You really are my daughter.

2. You are literally the best person I've ever known. And for me to think I could ever change...

Hope for delena

You are literally the best person I've ever known. And for me to think I could ever change you was giving me way too much credit and you way not enough… you're the good. And I need a little good in my life.

Damon [to Elena]
You are literally the best person I've ever known. And for me to think I could ever change you was giving me way too much credit and you...

3. I walked out last time. Now it's your turn.

Return of tyler

I walked out last time. Now it's your turn.

Tyler [to Carolin]
I walked out last time. Now it's your turn.

4. It felt really good to kiss him. So, then, I kind of, sort of… had sex with him.

Candice accola picture

It felt really good to kiss him. So, then, I kind of, sort of... had sex with him.

It felt really good to kiss him. So, then, I kind of, sort of... had sex with him.

5. I hate deadlines.

Enzo pic

Enzo: Do you wanna kill him or should I?
Damon: I hate deadlines.

Enzo: Do you wanna kill him or should I? Damon: I hate deadlines.

6. It's incredibly weird. But I know my brother, and I know he's better with you than without you.

A break from partying

Elena/Katherine: Isn't this weird for you?
Stefan: It's incredibly weird. But I know my brother, and I know he's better with you than without you.

Elena/Katherine: Isn't this weird for you? Stefan: It's incredibly weird. But I know my brother, and I know he's better with you than...

7. Well… no one's perfect.

Damon on the devil inside

Damon: You once told me that calling me "Satan" was an insult to Satan.
Caroline: Well... no one's perfect.

Damon: You once told me that calling me "Satan" was an insult to Satan. Caroline: Well... no one's perfect.

8. This is my "you're being a dick" face."

Stefan on the devil inside

This is my "you're being a dick" face."

This is my "you're being a dick" face."

9. Elena and Damon. Damon and Elena. I know there's a nickname in there somewhere.

Candice accola picture

Elena and Damon. Damon and Elena. I know there's a nickname in there somewhere.

Elena and Damon. Damon and Elena. I know there's a nickname in there somewhere.

10. Yeah. You know. All those carcinogens.

Candice accola picture

Aaron: Are you cleaning the fireplace?
Caroline: Yeah. You know. All those carcinogens.

Aaron: Are you cleaning the fireplace? Caroline: Yeah. You know. All those carcinogens.

11. The nicest thing that Katherine Pierce will ever do is feed the maggots that feast upon her...

Damon on the devil inside

The nicest thing that Katherine Pierce will ever do is feed the maggots that feast upon her flesh.

The nicest thing that Katherine Pierce will ever do is feed the maggots that feast upon her flesh.

12. One who hovers and sticks his nose in other people's business. Wait… I was defining "annoying."

Damon on the devil inside

Stefan: Define "out."
Damon: One who hovers and sticks his nose in other people's business. Wait... I was defining "annoying."

Stefan: Define "out." Damon: One who hovers and sticks his nose in other people's business. Wait... I was defining "annoying."

13. How's my dress? It screams safe and predictable. Am I right? Or am I right?

A break from partying

How's my dress? It screams safe and predictable. Am I right? Or am I right?

How's my dress? It screams safe and predictable. Am I right? Or am I right?

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

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Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
