The Vampire Diaries Photos from "The Devil Inside"

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Enzo will continue to make his presence felt on "The Devil Inside."

What else will go down on this Vampire Diaries episode? Based on these CW photos, Tyler will return, he and Matt will drink a lot and Elena will confer with Stefan.

1. Damon and Nadia

Damon and Nadia appear to be getting awfully cozy together in this Vampire Diaries scene. It is from the Season 5 episode "The Devil Within."

2. Damon on The Devil Inside

Damon has a lot to deal with on Season 5 of The Vampire Diaries. This is a photo from "The Devil Inside."

3. Stefan on The Devil Inside

What is Stefan thinking in this Vampire Diaries scene? It is from the episode "The Devil Inside."

4. Cornering Nadia

Damon has Nadia cornered in this Vampire Diaries scene. A lot of women out there are likely jealous of her.

5. Enzo

Enzo is making his feelings strongly felt. This is a scene from The Vampire Diaries episode, "The Devil Inside."

6. Cheers to Enzo!

Enzo takes a swig in this Vampire Diaries scene. He's an intriguing new character.

7. Enzo vs. Damon

Enzo stares down Damon in this Vampire Diaries scene. He's a very bad influence.

8. Enzo Pic

Oh, Enzo. What are you up to now? This is taken from "The Devil Inside."

9. Enzo Takes a Break

Enzo is one cool customer. He sits back here and taunts Damon a bit.

10. Keg Time!

Tyler is back! And ready to drink some beers! He and Matt prepare for a party here.

11. Matt Donovan Image

Matt is in deep thought in this Vampire Diaries scene. It is from the episode "The Devil Inside."

12. Return of Tyler

Tyler isn't just back in Mystic Falls. He's back and he's ready to drink.

13. A Break from Partying

Elena and Stefan share a moment from "The Devil Inside." While taking a break from partying.

14. Damon Confronts Elena

Damon tries to talk some sense into Elena here. This is a scene from the TVD episode "The Devil Inside."

15. Damon Salvatore, All Alone

Poor Damon Salvatore. He looks alone and he looks stunned in this scene.

16. Hope for Delena?

Is it really over between Damon and Elena? Millions of TVD fans around the nation hope not.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
