The Vampire Diaries Photos from "Let Her Go"

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"Let Her Go" is The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15 and we have photos for you.

1. One Final Gesture - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Damon gets dressed up to deliver the eulogy for Sheriff Forbes.

2. Reality Sets In - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Caroline has to deal with a new reality, one without her mother.

3. Waiting in the Wings - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Elena waits for the funeral to start. This one will last forever.

4. A Bright Light - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

The only brightness in a dark time is Caroline connected with her long-time friend in a new way.

5. In Mourning - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

The mourners are at the funeral. This one is for real.

6. At Attention - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Sheriff Forbes has her force in attendance in full uniform.

7. Comforting a Friend - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Elena takes Caroline's hand on the worst day of her life.

8. Goodbye Liz - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Damon gives his friend one last look before delivering the eulogy.

9. The Eulogy - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Sheriff Forbes asked her "best friend" to deliver the eulogy. Her call, not ours.

10. Making Movies - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 15

Bonnie continues to film her awkward journey abroad.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
