The Vampire Diaries Photos from "Gone Girl"

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The Vampire Diaries  airs "Gone Girl" on Thursday, March 6.

Cycle through a number of photos from the episode now.

1. The Vampire Diaries Gang

Okay, Vampire Diaries people. Stop. Listen up. Katherine has something to say.

2. A TVD Gathering

Tyler is at the center of this Vampire Diaries scene. We don't see the characters gather together very often such as this.

3. Staring Down Katherine

Damon stares down Katherine in this intense Vampire Diaries scene, which is courtesy of the episode "Gone Girl."

4. Damon Salvatore Photograph

Damon does not look pleased in this Vampire Diaries photo. He's pictured here in "Gone Girl."

5. Kat Pierce Picture

Katherine has been at the center of The Vampire Diaries Season 5 for many episodes now.

6. Katherine Holds Court

Katherine has something to tell the group. This is a scene from the TVD episode "Gone Girl."

7. Damon Holds Court

The gang is nearly all here. They have gathered to listen to Damon.

8. Bonnie on "Gone Girl"

Bonnie hasn't had a lot to do on The Vampire Diaries since her life was saved. But that will change on "Gone Girl."

9. Bonnie is Back!

Hey, it's Bonnie! She hasn't been up to much since her friends saved her life.

10. Katherine vs. Bonnie

It's Katherine versus Bonnie in this Vampire Diaries scene. The two are going at it in a scene from "Gone Girl."

11. Katherine on Season 5

Nina Dobrev is simply amazing as Katherine. But will we ever see her as Elena again?

12. Nina Dobrev as Katherine

Nina Dobrev portrays Katherine in this Vampire Diaries scene. It is from the episode "Gone Girl."

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
