The Flash Season 1 Episode 3 Photos "Things You Can't Outrun"

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Please enjoy photos from "Things You Can't Outrun," The Flash Season 1 Episode 3.

1. Caitlin Happy with Ronnie - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Caitlin Snow recalls her life with fiance Ronnie Raymond before his "death."

2. Before The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

STAR Labs was full of promise before the particle accelerator blew.

3. Healthy Harrison - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Before the blast, Harrison could walk. But we know he can still walk now, too!

4. Cheering - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Harrison must be announcing good news as the others look on.

5. Robbie Amell as Ronnie Raymond - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Robbie Amell joins the cast as Caitlin's former fiance, Ronnie Raymond.

6. His Head Hurts? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Does Barry have a headache, is he coming down with something or just confused? Who knows?!

7. Crashing! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

What's come over Barry? First his head and then this?!

8. Flash Down! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

The Flash goes down, perhaps after fighting newly discovered metahuman, The Mist.

9. Visiting Joe - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Iris is still hiding her relationship with Eddie, but they visit Joe at the same time!

10. The Wests - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Joe West finds himself in the hospital after a run-in with a metahuman!

11. Mission Control - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

What do these guys really do at this command center, anyway? Hard to tell.

12. Intruders - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Harrison and Caitlin don't look happy to see who just walked in.

13. Barry and Joe - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Barry and Joe are chatting with Caitlin and Harrison -- about The Mist?

14. Visiting Time - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Barry picks up the phone to talk with Henry. Impersonal, but better than nothing!

16. Joe Visits Henry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Were they ever friends or did Joe just step up when needed?

17. Joe at Prison - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Joe and Henry talk for the first time in many, many years.

18. Kyle Nimbus Addresses Joe West - The Flash Season 1 Episode 3

Kyle Nimbus was arrested by Joe a long time ago. Now he wants payback -- and he's a metahuman!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost