The Flash Premiere Easter Eggs

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1. Channel 52 News

Throughout The Flash pilot, the folks of Central City received their updates from Channel 52 News. We all know the fascination DC Comics has with the number 52.

2. Wally West Connection

Fred Chyre and David Singh are ripped straight from the comics. Keystone City to be exact, home of Wally West. Iris' father Joe West was a character created for the series.

3. Big Belly Burger

The Lex Luthor-owned fast food joint first appeared in Coast City, home of Green Lantern. Of course, Big Belly Burger was featured heavily in the first season of Arrow.

4. Linda Park

In the comics Linda Park is the wife of future Flash Wally West.

5. Evan Gibson

Evan Gibson is a Star City TV reporter introduced in the New 52 reboot of “Green Arrow.”

6. Jitters

Jitters is pulled straight from the comics, with the logo adapted for the series.

7. Slow-Mo Food

In the 1956 comic, tumbling food was how The Flash first realized his new powers.

8. Gambi Cleaners

In the comics Gambi is the man responsible for crafting most of The Rogues costumes.

9. Ferris Air

Ferris Air is featured in both the comics and the Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds as pilot Hal Jordan.

10. Run Really Fast

Just like in The Flash pilot, in the 1969 comic Barry knocks out a tornado by running in the opposite direction.

11. 1990's Flash

Barry’s father, Henry Allen, is played by John Wesley Shipp who portrayed Barry Allen/The Flash on CBS in 1990.

12. A Bolt of Lightning

On the series the particle accelerator is responsible for the bolt of lightning that strikes Barry. In the comics, there's more to the lightning bolt. Did you catch a fast moving blur in that scene?

13. Eobard Thawne

Is there a connection between Eddie and Eobard? Will he be revealed as the Reverse-Flash.

14. Vibe

Francisco Ramon's comic book counterpart is the superhero Vibe. Will the series lean this way as well?

15. Killer Frost

Caitlin Snow's comic book alter ego is Killer Frost, a Firestorm villain. We know Firestorm is set to appear on the series.

16. Gorilla Grodd

Did you catch the sign on the broken cage... Grodd? In the comics, Gorilla Grodd is a super-intelligent ape and enemy of The Flash.

17. Weather Wizard

In the pilot, Clyde Mardon can control the weather. His last name might be familar to comic's fans as the Rogue known as Weather Wizard.

18. Reverse-Flash

The man inside a ball of lightning that killed Barry's mother is The Flash's arch-nemesis, the Reverse-Flash. Yep he's a criminal from the 25th century obsessed with Barry Allen.

19. Harrison Wells

Harrison Wells is a character created for the series. However, a wheelchair-bound friend of The Flash in the comics went by the name of Hunter Zolomon. He was the second Reverse-Flash.

20. Infinite Crisis

That's right, Harrison Wells can walk and he's got a copy of a newspaper dated April 25, 2024. In the 1985 comic “Crisis on Infinite Earths” Barry Allen sacrifices himself to save the entire universe.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost