The Flash Photos from "Who is Harrison Wells?"

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We have photos from "Who is Harrison Wells?" This is The Flash Season 1 Episode 19.

1. An Interrogation - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Eddie and Barry are watching an interrogation as they search for Hannibal Bates.

2. Who is Who? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Is one of these individuals really Hannibal Bates?

3. Is this Eddie? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Everyone will be suspect when a shapeshifter is around.

4. Windowed Image - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

This is just a brilliant photograph. Nothing else to say.

5. So Many Questions - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

There are a lot of questions when trying to solve a case.

6. Confidence - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Eddie looks a little too confident and I'm calling out the shapeshifter.

7. Working Hard - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Barry in profile is usually in the suit. It's nice to see him working hard in plaid for a change.

8. Mummy Doesn't Look So Good - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

OK, it's not really a mummy, but the phrase just rolled off the tongue.

9. Looking for Clues - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe, Caitlin and Barry continue looking at the body for clues.

10. Alone with Evidence - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe and Barry are alone with the body of evidence.

11. Meeting Laurel - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco meets Laurel Lance and he's going to learn her secret.

12. Fanboy! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

There's no boy like a fanboy and Cisco learns Laurel is Black Canary!

13. A Little Help? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Laurel asks Cisco for a little help. With her sonic scream?

14. Getting Help from SCPD - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe and Cisco are getting help from Captain Lance at the SCPD.

15. Lance Looks Surprised - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Lance seems surprised Laurel wants to be a part of the conversation.

16. Knowing Grin - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco can't wipe the knowing grin off of his face.

17. Amused - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe is incredibly amused at Cisco's obvious crush on Laurel.

18. Officers - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

From one officer to another. What are they discussing, exactly?

19. Fast Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Have these two gentlemen become friends. Let's hope so.

20. It's Finished - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Cisco has finished the work he did on behalf of Laurel.

21. The Canary Cry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

It certainly looks as though Cisco fashioned a choker like device for Laurel to wear for her scream.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost