The Flash Photos from "The Nuclear Man"

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"The Nuclear Man" is The Flash Season 1 Episode 13."

1. Mediator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Barry seems to mediate as Caitlin and Ronnie chat.

2. Test Subject - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Ronnie is a test subject that Caitlin is probably not used to.

3. Ronnie - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Robbie Amell is back as Ronnie AKA Firestorm. Yay!

4. Fast Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin knows she can count on Barry no matter the problem.

5. Flash Team Pow Wow - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

The Flash Team has a pow wow about Ronnie. Just a hunch.

6. Cisco Ramon - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Cisco has on his thinking cap as he always does! Yep.

7. Solving Problems - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Is Harrison Wells attacking the problem with good or evil?

8. Keep Your Enemies Close - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

OK. He's not an enemy that he knows of, but Barry's reading about Harrison!

9. Victor Garber as Martin Stein - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Victor Garber joins The Flash as Martin Stein. Welcome!

10. Half of Firestorm - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

He must be the storm, right? Because Ronnie sure seems to be fire.

11. New Partners - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Joe West enlists Cisco's help to look into Nora Allen's murder.

12. Who Is This? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Chase Masterson guest stars as Sherry. But who is she?

13. Cool! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Cisco looks like a kid at Christmas with whatever he has there.

14. The Flash to the Rescue Season 1 Episode 13

Barry rescues Caitlin in full Flash gear. Where are they?

15. Shocked - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin looks shocked. Is Ronnie there, hiding out in the snow?

16. Robbie Amell on The Flash

It's Robbie Amell on The Flash! Sadly for Caitlin, however, his character isn't who he used to be.

17. Appealing to Ronnie - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin is appealing to her ex fiance. What are they talking about?

18. Caitlin in the Snow - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Could there be a more perfect setting for Caitlin Snow?

19. Carrying Caitlin - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Barry carries Caitlin down the hillside. What has happened to her?

20. Cold Flash - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Barry heals easily, but does his body retain heat? Let's hope so!

21. Getting Physical - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Are they in the snow so they can get physical? It works!

22. Reaching Out - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin reaches out to the bit on Ronnie's chest. What is it?

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost