The Flash Photos from "The Man in the Yellow Suit"

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We have photos from "The Man in the Yellow Suit," The Flash Season 1 Episode 9.

1. Looking for Clues - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

Caitlin and Cisco are on the prowl for clues leading to... what?

2. Ho Ho How Festive - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

Someone has their Santa spirit going on here with Caitlin!

3. No Need for a Flashlight - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

Hey, Caitlin, you're good without the flashlight.

4. Focusing on Murder - The Flash

Barry and Joe sit in front of Nora's murder wall.

5. Murder Wall - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

Barry stares at Nora's murder wall. How depressing.

6. Hitting the Floor - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

What's an episode of The Flash without a shot of Barry on his ass?

7. Mask Off - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

What's up with this? There's a reason you wear a mask, Barry!

8. Wow - The Flash Season 1 Episode 9

There is something interesting in their line of sight.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost