The Flash Photos from "The Fastest Man Alive"

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These are photos from "The Fastest Man Alive," The Flash Season 1 Episode 2.

1. Barry Allen Sporting STAR Labs - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Barry is supporting his new team by wearing the gear!

2. Det. West Is Not Happy - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Det. West is not a happy man after he learns about Barry taking chances with his life.

3. Caitlin Looks On - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Caitlin Snow watches as Det. Joe West leans on Barry.

4. Fixing His Injuries - The Flash

I guess The Flash wasn't as fast as he thought because he got a little boo boo!

5. Fixing His Face - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Caitlin is still trying to fix Barry's face. Was it messed up in the robbery?

6. The Flash Gang Season 1 Episode 2

The Flash gang appears to be watching something intently.

7. Det. Eddie Thawne - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

It's Rick Costnett as Detective Eddie Thawne. He works with Joe West.

8. The Central City Force - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

It looks like the entire Central City force is watching something go down.

9. Harrison Smiles - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Harrison seems to be doing an impression of Ray Romano. Everyone looks like someone else!

10. Simon Stagg and Joe West - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Simon Stagg and Joe West chat in the hallway for a while.

11. Jesse Martin as Det. Joe West - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Is the entire force getting wind of the red streak?

12. William Sadler as Simon Stagg - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

William Sadler as Simon Stagg is doing his best George Bush impression.

13. Eddie and Iris - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Eddie and Iris are outside at a cafe...watching the red streak?

14. Iris Helps Barry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Wonder how Iris and Barry will be spending time together during the day.

15. Coffee Please - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Iris West has a cup of coffee as she walks by somewhere.

16. Science Stuff - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

It's hard to know what's happening when we have yet to see an episode. Looks like science!

17. Profile Shot - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Barry Allen lookin' good in this The Flash profile shot.

18. Harrison Wells - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Tom Cavanaugh is Harrison Wells. Does he have any secrets?

19. Working Out - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Barry must test his skills a lot so they get an idea of his capabilities.

20. The Ionic Man - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Here's Barry Allen, doing HIS best Six Million Dollar (Bionic) Man impression!

21. Run, Barry, Run! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 2

Barry runs while his Flash team calculates his performance.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost