The Flash Photos from "Rogue Time"

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The Flash Season 1 Episode 16 is titled "Rogue Time." Enjoy some photos.

1. Boys Night Out - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Cisco and Barry are going nuts on a night out on the town.

2. Inside Information - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

What type in inside joke are the two of them sharing?

3. Hey Boys - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

She's not fulling us with that wig! That's Lisa Snart!

4. What About You? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Lisa Snart goes in for the kill. We should be worried for Cisco!

5. What Have You Heard? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

When Joe shoes up on boys night out, it can't be good news!

6. Uh Oh... - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

They've spotted Cisco getting chatted up. They know he's in trouble!

7. Heat Wave is Back - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Here is Heat Wave doing hot, bad things as bad guys do.

8. Ornery Heat Wave - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Mick Rory always has that LOOK on his face, doesn't he?

9. Meet Cisco's Brother! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

It's not the best way to meet Cisco's brother, but this is Dante Ramon (guest star Nicholaz Gonzalez) being held hostage.

10. How May I Help You? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Cisco fell for Lisa Snart's pick up line and look where it got him!

11. The Snarts and Cisco - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

The Snart siblings sandwich Cisco as they determine what to do with him.

12. Reasoning with Cisco - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Captain Cold attempts to smooth things over with Cisco.

13. Personal Space Issues - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Mick seems to have some issues with personal space.

14. Begging or Pushed? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Cisco is either begging for his brother's life or he's been pushed to the ground.

15. A Crush? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Does Lisa Snart have a crush on Mick Rory? Looks like it.

16. Get Cold! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

It looks like Captain Cold wants it to get a little chilly inside.

17. The Ramons - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

No, it's not the band, but the brothers, Cisco and Dante!

18. Keeping Warm - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Captain Cold needs to keep warm, it's hood up, even inside.

19. Dramatic Entrance - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

Captain Cold is all about the theatrics, and once the hood is up, he's ON!

20. Hail Me! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

More theatrics, to be sure. What is his game plan here?

21. The Golden Glider - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

The Golden Glider slides into the room with her own gun.

22. What's Up with the Gold? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

That's a coincidence with her nickname, right? It has nothing to do with traditional comic book ice skates...

23. Never Fear, The Flash is Here! Season 1 Episode 16

The Flash has his arms around Lisa Snart. All is well!

24. Profile - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

The Flash in profile as he goes up against the Rogues.

25. Out of Sequence? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

These photos are either out of sequence or Lisa can has the power of astral projection... hey! I think she does!

26. Hey There - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

As Captain Cold's theatrical presentation continues, he seems to be enjoying himself.

27. The Snart Siblings - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

One thing can be said for the Snart family, they have great genes!

28. Showdown - The Flash Season 1 Episode 16

It's a showdown between The Flash, Captain Cold and The Golden Glider!

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost