The Flash Photos from "Rogue Air"

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"Rogue Air" is the title of The Flash Season 1 Episode 22 and we have photos.

1. Waiting on Wells - The Flash

Barry gets a lot of extra help fighting off Harrison Wells.

2. Special Request - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry turns to Captain Cold for a special request.

3. Going...Good? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Can you imagine Captain Cold as a good guy? Might have to!

4. Trust in Cold - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry decides to trust in the Cold. Captain Cold!

5. Cold Cocky - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

It could get annoying if Cold is always cocky when he's good.

6. Hunkered Down - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Cisco, Caitlin and Joe hunker down for safety. Good call!

7. Well, Well, Well - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Come in from the cold, Barry old friend. Or something.

8. It's Showtime! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

All of the bad meta types make their appearances.

9. Likely Pose - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Weather Wizard really likes that particular pose.

10. Fly in the Ointment - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Lisa Snart is always the fly in the ointment for anyone's good time.

11. Mack Truck Alert! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Time for Barry Allen to make like a Flash and run!!

12. Thanks for Coming! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry welcomes his guests and thanks them for coming.

13. Good Vantage Point - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Al Sah-Him has a good vantage point from atop a car.

14. Flash Time - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

The Flash is getting ready to face his arch nemesis.

15. Triple Threat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Al Sah-Him, The Flash and Firestorm prepare for Reverse Flash.

16. Old Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Will Barry calls him Al Sah-Him or Oliver? Inquiring minds...

17. Nice Coat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Firestorm's jacket looks like a wicked, mid-century winter coat.

18. Al Sah-Him - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Al Sah-Him takes time away from his League of Assassins duties.

19. Friendly Face - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Ronnie looks like such a nice guy before he goes all fiery.

20. Archer Time - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Al Sah-Him draws back his bow. It's time to fight!

21. Reverse Flash Charges - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

The Reverse Flash appears to have it bad for Al Sah-Him.

22. It's a Sign - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

The Flash hides under a sign of some laboratories.

23. In the Clear - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

It appears Eobard will be in the clear again. Sigh.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost